Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Caroline Turns Five!

Our girl is 5 years old!  What?! How did that happen??  Her birthday fell on a Wednesday (she has dance Wednesday nights), so Tuesday night we let her pick what she wanted for dinner.  She (of course!) picked Dairio and got to pick whatever ice cream she wanted.  Once we got home she spent her last night as a four year old giving me a check up and making sure that I was ok. Sweet girl!  The next morning she woke up ready to head to school.  Ms. Val and Ms. Nita had a sign on the door for her and we took cupcakes and drinks to her friends at school.  Once she got home she got to open her presents from us and she even got to FaceTime with Penelope!

We had her party the following weekend and she decided that she wanted a Shopkins themed birthday party and she wanted all of her school friends to come over, along with her neighbor and her cousants.  We had some pizza, played and played, opened some presents, took some shots at a pinata, played Pie Face, and ate some Shopkins topped cupcakes!  It was a great party!  That night her cousant Alex was able to stay at our house (thanks Grammie and Grandpa) and Anna stayed, too!  They had a great time having a sleepover and then the next day we took them all bowling.  It was the perfect way to turn five!!


  1. Oh my god! Look at these birthday party photos. Everything is looking adorable and enjoyable. This birthday party was truly a rocking one. I liked everything about this party. I am searching for party venues in Chicago for my birthday and hoping to book one soon.
