Wednesday, April 22, 2009

All Alone...

So for the first time in my married life and in a really long time for that matter, I will spending the next few nights completely by myself. I have always had my family around, Jason, or even Riley Dunkin. Riley has slept with me almost every night for the past 5 years and for the last 2 years I've had Harley around, also. The dogs are currently at their respective grandparents and when Ja leaves tonight to ride a charter bus for 12 hours to go to Disney World with the high school seniors (sorry ass), I will be completely by myself. On one hand, I'm excited about it. It's not often, especially being a teacher, that I am completely by myself. Alone with my thoughts, my silence, and the ability to do whatever I want to do. On the other hand, it does make me a little sad. I'll miss my boys, all three of them. We'll see how it goes! I'm sure I'll be glad when they all get home soon.

I do have some plans for the weekend. One of my very best friends, Michelle Clark, is having a wedding shower in Tobaccoville, NC. So Friday night, after going to Relay For Life for a while, I'll jump in the car and head to Greensboro to spend some time with Michelle and Brian. Hopefully some of our other college friends will be able to come, also. After the shower I'm planning on hanging out in Greensboro for Saturday night and then heading back Sunday morning so I can see my husband after he gets back!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I am absolutely exhausted. I've started this whole 'get up in the middle of the night and not be able to fall right back asleep' thing. I've got three words for you: Not. A. Fan.

Can I have another Spring Break? Oh, and can it not only be Tuesday.


Thursday, April 16, 2009


We successfully made it Vegas on Saturday and proceeded to have an AMAZING time!! We have gambled, drank, slept, walked, and traveled all over the city as well as to the Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon and to LA. We have had an awesome time, so I'll have MUCH to share later!! Not spending too much time on here, just wanted to be connected for a minute.

Now, we're off to rest up for tonight: CIRQUE DU SOLEIL!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's Almost Here!

We did a lot of smart things when we were planning our wedding and every single one has panned out with great rewards. At the top of the 'Smart Planning' that we did is the fact that we planned our honeymoon to be 6 weeks after the wedding. (On a side note: I can't FREAKING believe that we have already been married 6 weeks. It will be 6 weeks this Saturday and that can't be right. It feels like it was just yesterday.) Tomorrow at 2:15 we get out of school and we enter the great, great world of SPRING BREAK!!! I cannot tell you how much I need a break. I need a break from school and just a break from the every day. I can't wait to get away with Ja and be able to just enjoy each other.

Speaking of the wedding, a few things have happened that have allowed us to keep it going! It's kind of like spreading a birthday out over a couple of weeks with different dinners and get togethers. We have managed to continue to spread this out over six weeks!!

#1: My amazing talented and appreciated bro-in-law, Mr. Will Hege himself, spent a LOT LOT LOT of hours putting together a slideshow for Ja and me. He took all of the video that was taken over the weekend and any and all pictures he could steal from facebook and put it to the music we put on the CDs we made for our hotel baskets. It is ABSOLUTELY incredible. There is video of every thing that happened that weekend, including a lot of stuff that I didn't see because I was busy doing other stuff. I need to send a special thank you to all of the camera people for the weekend. I think that included Will, Leslie, Mom, and my cousin David and his wife, Claire. If I left anyone out, I am SO SORRY!!! We are going to be able to go back and watch that every anniversary and pull it out to show our kids one day. Thanks again, Will!! GREAT GREAT job!!

#2: Earlier this week we got a very special package in the mail. Our photographer, Sally Gupton, sent us our pictures and a slideshow. (I know I have mentioned her a few times in this blog, but she is that amazing. I feel like everyone deserves a chance to hear about her because if you want something to be well documented in your life, she would DEFINITELY be the person to call.) With all of those pictures, it's like we get to experience the whole thing over again. There are great pictures of the guests, great pictures of Ja and me, and awesome, awesome candids that just capture the feeling of the entire weekend. Once I get a free second I'll post some of those pictures on here and on facebook for everyone to see. We need to get some ordered to decorate the house!! Hopefully we'll be able to contain ourselves and not go overboard. There are just so many great pictures to choose from!!

#3: WE GET TO GO TO VEGAS, BABY!!! Neither of us have been and we have a lot of goodness planned. We are going to head to the Grand Canyon so Ja can experience that for the first time and we've got tickets to 'O' by Cirque de Soleil. I have ALWAYS dreamed of seeing a CdS show and I CANNOT wait for that. The entire thing is done over a massive pool and we went ahead and got the BEST seats since it is our one big thing. We are going to be sitting in the 'Wet Seats'. Yeah, we're that close.

I hope everyone has a great week...I know we sure will. Not only are we going to take Vegas by storm (I don't know if they're ready for us)...we are going to be on our honeymoon...BROWN CHICKEN BROWN COW!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quick Update

I haven't blogged in a while, but believe me, it's not because there is a lack of anything to blog about. It has to do with the fact that I pass out every single time that I stop moving (which can put a dent in blogging) and that my life has gotten crazier and crazier since I got married.

For the marriage update: I absolutely adore and love my husband and I have never been happier. Marrying Jason was by far that best thing I've ever done and I am very excited about the goodness we have together in our future. I honestly feel like I have married my best friend and that sometimes (aside from the whole laundry, dishes, job, dog duty stuff) that we are back in college. We send texts to each other when we are in the same room, we talk to each other over Gchat during the day, we have dance parties, we sing loudly and horribly and we like to have a beer (or 3) every once in a while with dinner. Speaking of dinner, Ja has definitely become the cook of the family and oh how spoiled I am. The other night we had hot dogs, but it wasn't your 'run of the meal' (pun intended) stick a dog in the microwave and squirt some ketchup beside it. It was hot dogs in the bun with hand-shredded cheddar cheese, hand chopped onions, chili, and then some ketchup was also added to the mix for those of us that aren't weird and like it (unlike my adorable husband). It was gourmet hotdogs, which I'm not really sure I knew they existed. He is amazingly talented and I really hope he gets to realize his dream some day of owning something somewhere where he gets to cook.

Other than marriage, there have been a lot of happenings, but since they are ever-changing I don't want to let people know until we have definite answers. Once we get some things settled I'll be sure to let you know about them! P.S. I am not pregnant. I know everyone assumes that once you get married the next logical thing is a baby, but I promise with my hand on the Bible that I am not pregnant and will not be in the near future, so don't even think it.

I know the substance of this blog is about nada, but I just wanted to let everyone know that we are doing really, really well and that life is good...just crazy!