Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Tricks

Ever since Caroline's first birthday, I feel like she has exploded with what she is saying and doing now.  Just wanted to document what she is up to as a 13 month old!

*She can now do wuff wuff (more in Riley's 'the wind is moving' style), mmmm-ow, and moo when asked what a dog, cat, and cow say.

*Today she said blueberry clear as day and 'slinky' because she plays with a Slinky Dog all the time.  She has said 'bubberfly' a couple of times.  She has also said, 'Oh, boy!' a few times.  Talk about cute.

*She can help me bring the mail in.  I get her out of the car every afternoon and she can open the mail box, I get out the mail and hand it to her, she holds onto it for dear life, we walk into the garage and she can push the button to close the garage door, and then we walk in the house and she can put the mail on the entry table.  Then she claps for herself after I say 'Good job!'

*When I take her with me grocery shopping she is in charge of holding onto whatever we are going to get.  She does really well with the fruit/veggies that are bagged up.  She'll hold onto it like she is hugging it, until I pick something else out.  Then she'll put it beside her in the seat and wait to hold the next item.  By the end of our trip, all of our items are stacked up on either side of her in the front seat.

*She loves to say 'No ma'am' either before or after we say it.  She is getting pretty good at it and it is really clear and quite country sounding.

*She has taken two or three steps now on her own.  She is not very confident with it yet, so we've got a while before she takes off, but not too long.

*She has her first molar.  It is crazy to see her laugh and see that thing poking through back there.

*She is a full-on kiss blower.  She'll hold her hand up and then say 'mmm-ma'.  It makes saying thank you pretty confusing, but it is awesome.

*One time we were playing on the floor and I got her and laid her on the ground and started tickling her.  She belly laughed and got hiccups and loved it.  So now she'll be sitting there playing and just throw herself back and lay there until she gets tickled. 

*She loves to go outside.  I can't wait for her to walk so we can really go outside and play.  For now, she'll stand by the door and just fuss until you take her outside.

*She LOVES the dogs.  She waves to them when they come into the room and she is getting really good at pat-patting them.  When they go away she'll point to them and sign please until I get them to come back so she can pat them some more.

*She loves drinking out of a straw.  We forgot her sippy cup somewhere and I just let her try my straw to see what she would do and with a few sips, she had it down.  Now she is a fan of juice boxes and just cups of water with straws.  Sometimes she won't drink her milk out of anything but her straw sippy cup.

Here are a couple of videos of her doing some new 'tricks'. 

When we hear her in her room and she is up from a nap, we usually see her standing like this in her sleep sack with her bobo.  On this particular day, she was in a really good mood and didn't want to get out of her crib.  So I left her for a minute to go get my phone and when I came back, this is what I found!

She has been able to do 'Patty Cake' for a while, but her she is on video with the last couple of moves.

For Christmas, she got a Vtech alphabet train from her Uncle Matt, Aunt Tiffany, and Alex.  That thing is awesome and she plays with it every day.  She isn't quite strong enough to make it move by herself when she is sitting on it, so Daddy tied a string to it so we can pull her around.  Mimi was up during her Spring Break and gave her lots of rides.  Her she is with her hair blowing in the breeze!!

This is one of my favorite things that she does right now.  I think I have talked about it before, but I was finally able to video it.

A while ago, Mimi gave Caroline her very first Duck and Goose book - Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin.  Those are the CUTEST books.  Their faces are PRECIOUS.  Well, we have found that pumpkin hundreds of times since we got it and it is one of Caroline's favorites.  The reason she loves it now, is that she can nod her head yes and shake her head no throughout the book.  Her is Mimi reading her the book and Caroline getting her shake on!


Jason's parents came up late the Saturday night before Easter and stuck around until Sunday afternoon.  They were able to be here for the 'Easter Bunny' and a little Easter egg hunt in Bethabara Park. 

Taking a ride down the new slide that the Grammie and Grandpa brought!

Grandpa reading a book with Caroline.

Excited about finding that egg!

Grammie and Grandpa with Caroline

Daddy and Caroline