Friday, February 13, 2015

Six Months!

I cannot believe that my baby is six months old - he is now closer to a year old than he is to the day he was born.  WHAT?!?!

5 Months Old!

My six month old boy!

This kid is going to be a character.  I worried about him having a hard time getting a word in with Caroline as a big sister, but I think he will be just fine!

  • He weighs 17 lbs 6 oz (46th percentile) and is 27.5 in long (83rd percentile).  Our boy is long and lean - even though he has some of the chunkiest thighs I have ever seen!
  • He is currently in 9 month clothes, but is starting to stretch out the toes in a few of his sleepers.
  • He is in size 2 diapers and will be for a good while.
  • I started mixing my milk with formula about two weeks ago.  Cam started to eat a little bit more and with me just pumping I just wasn't keeping up.  I was using my stash quicker than I wanted to, so I started with just one ounce of formula, but have worked my way up to about half and half and will stay like that until the milk comes close to running out.  The goal is to get him through his surgery with at least a little bit of breast milk in the bottle.
  • He is still taking his Ranitidine two times a day.  I forgot a couple of times and thought we might be finished with it, but he started spitting up like crazy again.  Not sure if the two are related, but if it doesn't hurt him to keep taking it and he doesn't spit up as much when he does, we are just going to keep it flowing!
  • He started eating solid foods not long after his four month appointment.  With Caroline I'm sure I was up to three times a day by now, but Cam is still just getting dinner.  He eats a veggie and a fruit with a little bit of rice cereal in them both.  Then he gets a bottle to wash it down.
  • He eats at 6:30, 10:00, 1:00, 3:30, 5:30, and 7:30.  We put him down around 8 and he gets up around 6 - 6:30.  Not bad, my boy!
  • A couple of days before he turned six months old, he rolled from this back to his belly.  He had been doing belly to back for a good month or so, but he is now officially a roller.  We went in to get him up one morning and he had flipped over and was fast asleep on his stomach.  He is still a back sleeper, but when he is playing he flips from back to front and back again.  Watch out, world!
  • He is sleeping in his Zippy still and I wrap the swaddle around his waste to keep the zipper from getting in his face and just to help him feel secure.  We put him in and zip him up and he starts flapping around like a little bird.
  • When I go to put him down he will look at me with the biggest smile and start flapping and laughing.  That certainly beats any sorts of tears from having to go to sleep.
  • We use the turtle with the stars, his mobile, and his music in his room.
  • He has started to really play with toys.  He LOVES chewing on Elmo's hook and hands, the stegosaurus, the duck, the lion, and the pink chew ring that was Caroline's (she constantly reminds everyone of this).
  • He will go to town in the exersaucer and will get those legs going and jump and jump and jump. 
  • He loves laying on his activity mat and watching the butterflies, chewing on the parrot and rolling back and forth between the mirror and the giraffe.
  • We still use the bouncy seat to feed him sometimes, but he pulls himself to sitting up and almost rolls himself out of the thing.
  • He sits in the booster seat now when we feed him his food.  He is too busy for the Bumbo.
  • He is doing great at school.  They put him down for two naps while he is there and he sleeps a little bit during the first nap (too much going on - fear of missing out), but sleeps well in the afternoon.  I pick him the kids up around 4:30 and he comes home and goes straight down for a nap.  It is usually about 45 min to an hour and then he is up until bed time.  He eats his dinner around 5:30 or 6 and then gets his last bottle around 7:30.  Then it is off to bed!
  • He is very ticklish!  You can get him on the inside of his thighs, on his neck, and his belly.  I LOVE to hear him laugh!
  • We got for Cam's MRI next week to figure out the plan of action for his tethered chord.  Stay tuned!