Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Three Months!

What a difference a month can make!! I just read my two month post and could feel myself get stressed out just remembering how tough those weeks were.  I am very thankful to say that three months in, we are all doing just fine.  I went back to work last week (Nov 5), the day after Cam turned 12 weeks old.  I am so very thankful and grateful for those 12 weeks.  They were by no means easy, but I am lucky that I got to spend my whole leave with my sweet little ones.

Other than a rough day here and there, we have gotten into a pretty sweet swing of things around our house.  Cam started going to school with Caroline the Monday before I went back to work.  Leslie was being induced with Baby Drew on that Monday (Nov 3), so I wanted to be free to do what I could for her.  I also wanted to be available to go get the kids if I needed to.  Things couldn't have worked out better.  Cam has done great at school and has been taking short naps throughout the day and eating all of the milk that I send.  He comes homes EXHAUSTED and immediately goes down for a nap.  I really look forward to the two feedings he has at night now that I am not with him all day.  Ms. Val and Ms. Nita tell us how alert he is all day.  I'm sure he will be up and running before we know it!

Caroline loves being at school with Cam and helps take care of him.  The first day they were both going Caroline said, 'Don't worry, Mom.  I've got Cam's back!'  She was so excited to show him off to her friends.  About a week after they both started going, Ms. Nita needed to take him into another room because he was crying and Ms. Val needed to take a phone call.  Caroline flipped out.  She thought they were taking him away and she was not having it!!  It is so good to know that they are both so well taken care of and that they can take care of each other.

Now that we have the reflux and feeding figured out, Cam is the happiest, laid back little guy!  Most time when he wakes up from a nap he will cry until he sees your head and then he will smile so hard his eyes almost close!  He is laughing and blowing raspberries and he is about the cutest baby I've ever seen (biased or not!).  I can't wait to see his personality keep coming out and see what kind of little man he is going to turn into!

Now on to some three month stats:

  • He weighs (unofficially) 15.2 lbs!  Our big boy!
  • He is in 3 month clothes and 3/6 month sleepers.
  • He is still in size 1 diapers.
  • He was put in his crib to sleep at about 10 weeks and has done just fine since then!
  • We still swaddle him and found that there is a pretty big gap between a small SwaddleMe swaddler and a medium/large.  The small got to be too small, but he could easily get out of the medium/large.  I got him a Miracle Blanket and it has worked great.  He is a strong rascal and can still get out of it if it isn't just right, but for the most part he goes to sleep before he even really tries.
  • I am just pumping and have it down to three times a day.  He eats between 2 and 4 ounces 6 times a day.
  • After school I put him right down for a nap.  He usually gets up and eats around 7, goes down until we get him up about 10 for a 'dream feed', and then we don't hear a peep until 5 or 6.  Then he goes back down after he eats until we leave for school.  I will take that every day of the week!  He does a great job of sleeping now - or maybe I just appreciate every bit of it since those early weeks were so tough!
  • He still has all of his crazy skin stuff going on, so we are still doing his bath routine every other day with the T/Gel, baby oil, Cetaphil, and a toothbrush for scrubbing.
  • He has been able to sit up in a Bumbo for a while and has full head control.  He loves to be up and out and be able to see everything that is going on.
  • We have pulled the mat out with the jungle gym for him to look at those butterflies that Caroline loved.  He still loves his bouncy seat and will GO TO TOWN kicking with his feet when he really gets going.  He LOVES to talk to the frog and all his other friends on his bouncy seat.
  • Unless he is really hungry, he will smile and talk and laugh the whole time he is up.
  • The Babywise eat-play-sleep routine doesn't work for our boy.  He doesn't want to eat right away, but instead will play for a good bit when he wakes up until he fusses and then we feed him.  We still put him in the bed while he is awake, but he has a full belly.
  • He smiled at Caroline for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it made Caroline's life.  She thought it was the cutest thing.  She is so ready for him to be able to do something!
  • We have been calling Caroline 'Big Sister', but she has decided she wants to be called Sissy like her 'cousants' Anna and Penelope!
  • He does a great job riding in his car seat.  He will just lay back there and talk to the friends dangling from the mirror or fuss for just a minute before going to sleep.  
I love my sweet boy and I eat up every minute of him snuggling with me after he eats.  Being a boy, I am sure he is going to be GONE once he can move, so I'm trying to enjoy him being willing to let me snuggle with him.  So glad I got picked to be his mama and I get to watch him grow up!!