Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Camden – Belly Pics

I haven’t posted belly pictures from this pregnancy as I have gone, but I did want to put them on here to document the progress.  I have been blessed with a very easy pregnancy again and we are just a few short weeks from meeting our little man!
16 Weeks
20 Weeks
21 Weeks
23 Weeks
24 Weeks
26 Weeks
27 Weeks
28 Weeks
29 Weeks
31 Weeks
32 Weeks
33 Weeks
34 Weeks + 22 Weeks!
35 Weeks
36 Weeks

Camden’s Nursery

Once school got out and we were home for a little while, we decided it was FINALLY time to get the nursery ready for Cam.  We knew we were going to have to move a few big pieces of furniture, so we put it off until we couldn’t any more.  So we moved everything out of the room we were going to use, moved the furniture around that we needed to (thanks, Greg!), and got to work.  We decided to paint the room a teal/blue color and I LOVE how it turned out.
Caroline was SO excited to help and she helped us move everything out, undo outlet covers, and even paint.  We had LOTS of help and it took us a few days to get the room painted because of all of the help!  We did what we could during naps and at night, but we finally got it done.  With me being 33 weeks pregnant, Jason had a lot of work on his hands.  He worked tirelessly for a week to get things that way that we (and I) wanted them.  Thanks for being so awesome!!

‘I am just going to screw this right here!’
Lots and lots of help!
Caroline did a great job painting!
She even painted her foot (and the wall and the carpet) when she accidentally knocked the paint can over!  Everyone smiled through it and we got things cleaned up with very little mess left.  (It took a while for the smiling to happen, but we were eventually able to laugh about it!)

Once we got the room painted, it was time for Caroline to head east for Grands’ Camp.  We were sad to see her go and missed her while she was gone, but we were able to get A LOT done.  Jason and I were able to just go and go and go all day long to get done what we needed to.  Jason did a great job of getting all of the wall decorations painted and put up and I organized the heck out of everything in that room – finally!  I absolutely love the final product and now we are ready for Cam to get here!!

Jason and I bought the animals that are on the wall when we first got married.  We saw them on serious sale and knew that we both loved animals and that one day we would love to put them in our kid’s room.  They didn’t really go with what we did in Caroline’s room, so we were so happy to be able to pull them out and put them up in Cam’s room.  They had a brown metal background that didn’t look as baby-ish as we wanted, so Jason taped them up and painted them all different colors to add some amazing cuteness to the room.
All we have left is Camden’s little hands, feet, and cheeks to go in that picture frame!  It is all ready for you, buddy!
We only have a few weeks before we finally get to meet you, Camden!  We cannot wait.  I can’t wait to see what kind of little person you are going to be!