Monday, February 28, 2011

We have a plan!

First of all let me say a very important HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my husband of two years!  I can't imagine my life without him and I wouldn't want to think about being on this crazy baby journey with anyone else!  You are my very best friend and I love you, Ja!

Now, onto our baby saga:
This morning I went to turn in yet another 24 hour urine collection.  (By the way, go ahead and take a second and be thankful for the convenience of being able to just pee into a toilet and flush it.  After peeing into a plastic 'hat' and dumping it into a jug that stays in our fridge for the duration of the 24 hour period, it makes me very thankful for this modern convenience.)  While I was there I checked to see if they had any openings earlier than 4:20.  I had originally set the appointment so that Ja could work, but he said he was probably only going to work a half day so that we didn't have to wait ALL day for the appointment.  Luckily we were able to slip in at 2pm with the doctor we had seen the last several times.

With our bags packed, we rolled up to the doctor's office with the hopes that we wouldn't be going back home any time soon.  We got called back and when they checked my blood pressure, it was 162/110.  So, not only was the bedrest not helping it go down, it was still rising.  I then did the routine urine sample (these people are all about the pee!) and went back to the room where I was to lay down on the table and relax for a bit with the light off to see if my blood pressure would come down.  The doctor soon knocked and came in and asked about contractions and all that good stuff.  I told him that I had a few (maybe 3 to 4 a day), but nothing major.  He checked my fundal height and listened to the heartbeat.  Everything looked and sounded good.  He then told me that my urine results were back and that my protein levels had gone down to 217 (if they are above 300, that means preeclampsia has set in).  Normally, this would be great news, but I had a feeling that would mean no baby soon.  He then checked me and I was only 50-60% effaced and 1 cm dilated.  Not much had happened the past few days as far as labor is concerned.  Caroline has moved down a little bit, but not a lot.  So then he told us that since my proteins were good, he would have me do another 24 hour urine sample, bring it in Friday morning and then come back for another check up on Friday.  That would mean that I would just be sitting for the rest of this week, eating up leave, and not having a baby.  I wanted to talk, but I was afraid that I was going to break down and make it awkward for everyone.  Luckily Ja was there to step in.  He let him know that we were frustrated because we were eating my leave and also that I was on bedrest and it wasn't doing anything to help my blood pressure.  It was also frustrating to hear that Monday would be the day, only to get here and nothing was going to happen.  Ja also told him that we were by no means trying to rush the process if she wasn't ready, but he just wanted to share our frustrations.  About that time, the nurse put the blood pressure cuff on me and started to take my blood pressure again.  This time it was 140s/110.  Even though I don't have preeclampsia, luckily for us, high blood pressure is not good for her or me.  So the plan then changed quickly from a check on Friday to going to call the hospital and see when they would have a bed open for induction.  A nurse came back in a few minutes later and let us know that we were going to check in at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon into antepartum and they would go ahead and hook me up with Cervidil to soften my cervix and help it get ready for the induction.  Then Wednesday morning, they would hook up the Pitocin and start the induction!  So, by the weekend, we will have a baby!!

To: Caroline
From:  Your Mommy and Daddy

We hate to do this to you because you are obviously really comfortable, but as of Wednesday, March 2nd, you are officially being evicted from your current residence.  We would be glad for you to reside in our home with us for the next 18 or so years, but you are going to have to go ahead and get out of Mommy's belly.

Love you!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Belly Pics

35 Weeks

35 Weeks!


37 Weeks

37 Weeks!


38 Weeks

38 Weeks and still cooking!

Bring Your Bags

I’ve been on bedrest now for 6 days now.  I’m not very good at it.  I enjoy laying around for a little bit at the time, but then I get the gitz.  The first day of bedrest I was getting all the last minute stuff done that I needed to and since then I have been a little bit better adjusted.  So I lay down for as long as I can stand it and then it’s time to eat, or pee, or let the dogs out.  That can’t hurt, right!

Last doctor’s appointment I was told I needed to do another 24-hour urine sample.  So I did that Wednesday to Thursday morning.  I dropped it off Thursday morning and yesterday once Ja got off work we headed back for our appointment.  Man were we SO unprepared for that visit.

We got to the doctor’s office and a nurse that we are not fond of took my blood pressure.  She gave us a big dissertation last time we were there about using the proper sized cuff to get your blood pressure right.  I told her that they use the larger one more times than not with me and she told me her reasons for using the smaller one.  So she took my blood pressure and it was 140’s over 96.  Not good.  After a few minutes of laying down with the lights off another woman came in and used the bigger cuff and got 120’s over 96.  Even though it came down, that bottom number was still high.  The NP came in and told me that my protein levels from my urine check were 319 and since 300 is the magic number, pre-eclampsia may have set in.  She checked me and I was only 1 cm, so she decided to strip my membranes.  Good Lord was that uncomfortable.  Then she informed us that we were going to head to the hospital to get monitored and checked and possibly induced at some point in the near future.  WHAT?!  Even though we know that she is going to come out at some point and we are going to have to go to the hospital for that to happen, we just so weren’t expecting those words to come out of her mouth.

Our heads started spinning.  We started listing the things that we hadn’t gotten done and the things we needed to pack and how Ja was going to get the bags since we were going straight to the hospital.  We had nothing.  We also were worried about who to call and what to tell them since we didn’t know much.  Our doctor was paged and we were sent over to the hospital.  We got into Ja’s truck and I just kept saying, ‘Holy shit’ over and over again.  This was really happening.  I called Leslie and let her know since we were originally planning to go over there after our appointment and then I called Mom to let her know we were heading to the hospital, but to stay put and we’d update her when we knew anything.

We checked in and they sent us to triage for monitoring.  We were in there for about an hour and a half.  My blood pressure magically went down to 116/62 (it is usually 120/80) and Caroline’s heart was beating right in the normal range.  Our doctor came in and discussed with us our options.  He said if they ran my urine at the hospital, there is a chance it would be below 300 which would get me out of the pre-eclampsia range and since my blood pressure was now normal, it really didn’t look like inducing would be a very good option.  She is also still locked up pretty high (-3 station) and not looking like she’s planning on coming out on her own any time soon.  He said that if we did induce, there is a chance it would turn into a c-section since I have not really progressed at all.  So he suggested that we just be patient.  I don’t have any preconceived ideas about what I definitely want to happen or not to happen.  I trust the doctors that we go to and since I am not a medical profession at all, I fully trust what they say.  I am not uncomfortable and I want her to cook as long as possible.  The only thing that sucks is that I’m wasting my maternity leave with her not being here yet.  BUT, I know there is nothing I can do about it.  So we agreed with him that there was no need to force this.

They sent us home and we called everyone to let them know that nothing was going to happen.  Mom was already in Burgaw, so she turned around and went back home!  Homegirl doesn’t play around with these babies being born!

As of right now, the game plan is to do ANOTHER 24-hour urine collection Sunday morning to Monday morning and I will drop that off and go back to see the doctor Monday afternoon.  We WILL have our bags packed and with us just in case they send us to the hospital after that appointment.  They really want for her to come on her own or at least drop down some so she is more in the position to be born if they induce, but we’ll see.  This is something that will happen on her time and she is already making sure that this is an exciting process for everyone!  If this is a glimpse into her little personality, then we are in trouble!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Craz. I. Ness.

Well, this has been one hell of a crazy week, to say the least!  Up to this point, everything has been pretty routine and boring with my pregnancy.  My doctor's appointments have all been quick with a blood pressure check (120/80 every time), heartbeat check, and fundal height measurement.  Everything was moving along swimmingly.  Until...last Thursday.  I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was suddenly 142/102.  They checked it again and it was 142/98.  So they put me out of work on Friday and I had to do a 24 hour urine collection.  I took it to the lab at the hospital (my doctor's office was closed) and they told me that the doctor that was on-call would give me a call and let me know what they found.  There had been some talk about induction over the weekend if the protein numbers were bad enough.  So after hearing nothing and jumping after every time my phone rang, I woke up this morning and put a call into the doctor.  I then hopped in the shower and got ready for work.  As I pulled into my parking spot at school, the nurse called me back and told me that they really didn't want me to work until they could check my blood pressure again.  I had an appointment scheduled for 3:40 today, but I don't work at a job that I can just up and not show at 8:10 in the morning when that is when my work day begins.  So I went ahead in and worked a half day so that I had time to get a sub.  I have my planningperiods during 2 out of the 4 periods before lunch, so I was able to relax a bit and not work myself too hard while I was there.  I headed home about noon and immediately hit up my sofa.  After a few minutes I heard the garage door and in walked Ja and his cleaned book bag!  He wanted to make sure that I was ok (aka stock up his diaper book bag!).  So I took a nap and he did some stuff around the house.  Then it was time to go to the doctor.

We got there and got called back.  They took my weight and my pee like normal.  Then they checked my blood pressure.  Duh duh duh.  It was 130/98.  Still too high.  I knew the doctor that we were about to see didn't play around with high blood pressure (he signed Leslie out of work with Anna) and I had a feeling I knew what we coming.  So he came in and told me that I was out of work from that point forward.  Since I am 37 weeks 3 days she is technically fully cooked, but the longer she can stay in there the better.  So the plan is to induce on Monday if she hasn't already made it out.  Bedrest until then. 

Holy crap...did you just read what I wrote.  I am out of work.  Starting today - February 21st.  I hadn't planned on being out until March 11th.  That is 2 1/2 weeks early.  Then I said that if she wasn't here by Monday, they would induce.  WHAT?!  I am going to have a baby within the next week.  Holy crap.  Monday is our anniversary, which would make for a pretty awesome anniversary gift, but that also means that this baby is going to be here within the next week.  I knew it was all going to be over at some point, but this is madness.  I guess I'm going to have to do some talking to myself over the next week.  I have a week to get some rest, enjoy some time being by myself with the boys, and revel in the fact that I don't have to deal with bratty teenagers for the next 10 weeks.  I'm not going to let myself get caught up in the idea that all of this is happening before the plan said it would.  That I'm going to have to go back to work for 7 weeks at the end of school instead of 4 like I had planned.  That I'm going to have to sit around and eat up a week of my leave with no baby.  I am going to have to focus on the fact that I need to keep myself and my little girl safe and that she is going to be here soon!  We are ready and we will be just fine, regardless of how I'm feeling right now!  Bring on the baby...ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!


Most pregnant woman go through a phase of nesting.  Having to get everything ready and cleaned for the baby's arrival.  I had my spurts.  Especially after showers when we would come home and go through everything and I would do laundry and arrange and wash all the dishes.  What I did not expect, was for Ja to go through nesting, too!!

Last Thursday I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was high.  More on that whole saga in another post.  I was told not to work on Friday.  Well, Ja wasn't going to let me have all the fun by myself, so he stayed home with me.  I wasn't sure how much I would like him being home to stare at me while I did nothing, but I had no idea how much I would appreciate what he did over the next few days.  I woke up Friday morning and Ja was already working.  He spent the entire day cleaning every piece of dog hair out of our cars.  I don't think anyone truly has any idea how much work that entailed.  I'm talking hours upon hours.  They were spotless and smelled delicious.  He then installed the bases for the car seat because it is getting close to that time.  By the time he was finished, he had cleaned the garage, too, which he had been wanting to do for weeks.

Sunday Ja got up bright and early again and started on the house.  The base boards have been wiped, the floors have been vaccuumed, the tables have been dusted, and the bathrooms have been cleaned and our kid bathroom has all the precious pieces put together! 

The cutest part of Ja's nesting has been his bookbag.  When we registered oh-so-many months ago, we registered for a black Columbia diaper bag.  It was a great neutral bag that we could both carry.  Well, I found a black, grey, and hot pink bag that I fell in love with.  I was blessed enough to be given that bag at one of my showers from my mom's best friends.  Well Ja can handle some feminine stuff, but the hot pink diaper bag is a little much.  So we were going to get him the black bag.  While we were doing our last little bit of shopping for Litte Miss Caroline, he decided that he would just wash his bookbag from college and stock it full of everything he'd need.  So he took his bookbag to school today and washed it.  When he got home, he was so excited to stock it with the diapers, wipes, Desitin, hand sanitizer, first aid kit, spare outfit, blankets, burp clothes, bibs, and everything else we had that she could ever need.  He is SO proud of his bookbag and he told me while we were at the doctor's office that he is now ready for her to come!

According to 'The Five Love Languages' I am an acts of service and quality time type of gal.  I see love in the little things that people do for me and the time that I get to spend with those I love.  Nothing lets me know that Jason loves me and this litle girl like the nesting that he has done over these past few days.  I am a lucky lucky woman to have married such an amazing man and Caroline is a lucky little girl to have such a great man for her daddy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ready or not...

Like I often am, I am a walking (or should I say waddling) contradiction right now.  My emotions are being torn in two different directions.

On one hand, I am finding it very hard to focus on anything at school.  I want to make sure she has everything she needs and everything is organized so that when she gets here we'll have everything ready to go.  I'm ready to be home with this child and not have to worry about the day to day things I now have to battle.  I am also hitting the uncomfortable point.  My feet are swollen, my hips are being broken apart, and I am just big!  I know it could be much worse and I am so grateful for how easy this pregnancy has been, but all good things must come to an end.  It's just like when you are 18 and you are supposed to not get along with your parents for a while so that you have the urge to move out and move on.  I am supposed to get uncomfortable and be in pain so that I'm ready for her to move out of me and into this big ole world we live in!  Jack coming to meet us has made me want her to be here even more!  I can't wait to smell her and fall asleep with her on my chest and see her smile and laugh for the first time.  I also can't wait to see what she looks like and learn about the person she is going to become. 

On the other hand, I don't know that I really know what I'm getting myself into!!  I have always been around kids and feel pretty confident about taking care of one and loving one, but she is going to depend solely on me (for a while while she has rack time (thanks for coining that one, Will Hege)) to nurture her and give her what she needs to grow.  I am going to have to sacrifice my body to get her here and to feed her for the first few months of her life.  The unknown is what makes me hesitant.  Will I make it through labor ok?  Will she be healthy?  Will she grow and develop like she should?  Can I take care of her like she deserves to be taken care of?  Will Jason + I be the parents that right now we believe we will be?  Will I be a hard ass like I want to be so that she grows up the best little lady she can be?  Will I be able to go back to work in August after 5 months with her?  I keep trying to tell myself that this pregnancy has been fun and easy and that at some point she will be out of me.  Other people will hold her and other people will care for her and I'm going to have to find a way to get used to that.  Right now I am her sole provider.  I feed her, I give her what she needs, I know when she is awake and moving and I don't have to share her with anyone.  Is that selfish?  Of course it is.  But this is such a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things so I want to cherish it. 

Regardless of my emotions, we have four weeks from this Friday until my due date and like I have said over and over again...'Ready or not, here she comes!'  We did what we needed to do to get her into this world and she is coming, regardless of my hesitations.  I have a few more weeks to enjoy just the two of us and then the rest of the world will get to experience my sweet little girl.  Her daddy will finally get to hold her like he has been anxious to do since we found out she was coming.  Will we screw up along the way?  I can promise you we will.  Are some of my worries going to be founded?  Sure.  But I can promise her this one thing - her daddy and I love each other more than anything in this world and she is coming into a household that is happy for her to be there and she will certainly know what it feels like to be loved, even when we're not perfect.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baby Jack is here!

Jackson Edward Hege
8 lbs. 8 ozs.
21 3/4 inches
born at 12:19pm

Leslie is doing great!  She definitely got to experience labor this time, but she made a pretty quick go of it!  Contractions started at 7:15 and Jack was here at 12:19!  He is perfect and precious and the whole Hege family is doing well.  Anna met Jack and has loved all over him and even said that she was going to take him home with her tonight!!  Welcome to the world, Jack!  We all can't wait to love you as you grow up!!

What is crazy - we get to do this in 5 weeks.  Ahhh!!  I'm so glad that Leslie is doing it all first so I can watch and learn!!  Even though we have been through classes and have learned a lot, it is cool to be able to ask questions and take notes from someone that has just been through it!  I feel like this will continue for a LONG time.