Friday, June 6, 2014

30 Weeks!

Our boy is growing!!  This pregnancy has been as easy as Caroline's.  I have felt great and had a really good time.  Nine months is full of long days, but quick months!  I feel like it has taken forever to get to this point, but at the same time I can't believe we are only a couple of months away from meeting our boy!  I am measuring right on my week every time I go to the doctor.  My blood pressure has stayed down and my weight gain has been slow and right on track.  I'm hoping he can stay in and cook as long as possible!

I would love to say that his nursery is completely ready and we are all ready for him like we were with Caroline at this point, but that would be far from the truth.  We know this time that he won't even be in his nursery for 6 to 8 weeks after coming home, so there really is no rush.  We have been trying to make it through the end of the school year so that we have the summer to get everything ready.  His crib is put together and his bedding has been put on, so at least he would have somewhere to sleep!  I am so lucky to have great friends and family and have a couple of showers coming up.  I was not expecting them since this is our second, but it will be nice to get some blue stuff in the house!  The nesting bug has been hitting me for a while, but we have a lot of big stuff to do before we can get to the little stuff and it will just have to wait until this summer.  In just a few weeks, though, I will be an organizing and cleaning machine.  Then we will be all ready for him to get here in August.

Caroline has been precious and really sweet about him coming.  I know that won't stick around for long once he gets here, but I am enjoying it for now.  She gives my belly kisses all the time and talks about all the things she is going to do to help.  She lives her life to help someone, so I really think she is going to be a great big sister.  She no longer calls him Flynn and will actually call him Baby Camden, Baby Cam, or (her latest) Cameo.  I have a feeling that Cameo may stick as a family nickname - as ridiculous as it is!

It is nice that Caroline can do pretty much everything for herself, but Jason and I are definitely ready for and excited about having a baby in the house again!  I try to think about what his sweet little face will look like, but nothing will compare to being able to look into those big eyes once he is here.  Can't wait to meet you, buddy!