Thursday, July 23, 2015

Eleven Months!

A lot of these pictures are from Mimi because he spent a week in Wilmington while we took Caroline to Disney World.  Thanks, Mimi!

*He won't go to the doctor until his one-year (what?!) check up, but the way he eats, I know that he is a growing boy!!

*He is wearing size 3 diapers and has just moved up to his 18 month clothes.  Since it is the summer he is in onesies and the one piece outfits pretty much all the time.

*He has 7 teeth now (four on top and three on bottom).  Once they started popping out they kept on coming!

*He can get anywhere he wants to go REALLY quickly.  He is crawling all over the place and cruising like a mad man, but he isn't quite ready to walk yet.  He can stand up on his own without holding on to anything and he is getting stronger every day, but I think we have a couple of weeks before he actually takes off.  It takes all I can not to knock him down when he stands up!  I'm not ready for him to be walking yet!

*He is still an eating machine.  He likes what he likes and doesn't budge much on that, but when he does eat he doesn't stop until he is done.  He loves blueberries, strawberries, bananas, pears, pb&j, toast, string cheese, turkey, yogurt, cooked carrots, rice rusks, and grapes.

*We have moved to the sippy cup almost all the time and we have started mixing whole milk with the last can of formula we will buy!  He has done great and hasn't had any problem digesting the milk.  He will be off formula in the next week or so.

*He is still taking two naps a day (around 9 am and 1pm).  He sleeps pretty well most days (an hour in the morning and a couple of hours in the afternoon) and then sleeps from 7ish at night to 7ish in the morning.  Not too shabby!

*He eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner and still has an afternoon snack and a bottle before bed.

*Pretty much everything he says right now has a b in it.  He said mama and dada at one point and then got over that.  He says 'buh-uh' and 'uh-buh' and 'uh-oh'.  Right now 'buh-buh' means Bubba, bottle, bobo, book and baby.  He points and talks all the time and has just started to add 's' and 'g' to his syllables.

*His tricks include playing Peek-a-Boo like a champ (he does a sneaky slow peek), Patty Cake (not a big fan of 'throwing it in the pan'), rubbing his finger over his lips and saying 'budabudabudabuda' (thanks to Uncle Jeffro!), and he says bye-bye and waves occasionally!

*Since he can crawl, he can go wherever he wants to go.  That makes it that much sweeter when he crawls over to me or Jason and for a split second puts his head down on our shoulder.  He is a wild and crazy boy, but he can be the sweetest.  When I get him up from his nap sometimes he will lay his head down on my shoulder while I walk over to change his diaper.  Those are the moments that I wish I could lock up and keep forever!

*His hair is bright blond and it is starting to curl up in the back.  It is getting pretty long, but it is absolutely precious!

*His eyes are bright, bright blue just like his Daddy and big sister (and Mommy when I was little).

*He isn't attached to anything.  Caroline had a Bobo and pacis and all sorts of stuff.  He took a paci for a month or two and other than that he hasn't stuck with any one thing.  He has a Bobo in his crib, but he only uses that to play with when he is in there,  I'm waiting for him to figure out that he can throw it out of his crib and get really mad about it.

*The boy has a temper.  He is happy as a clam until he is hungry, tired, or you take something away that he wants.  Full on temper tantrum.  Other than that, he is the best thing.  You can shop with him, go out to eat, travel (for about an hour or so...haha), go for walks, and just about anything else and he is just fine.  He does smile the vast majority of the time he is awake.

*When you get on the floor with him you do so at your own risk.  He is pretty aggressive and enjoys just whacking the crap out of stuff and throwing things.  He loves to dump things out and then move on to the next thing.  We have a ring stacking toy and he cannot stand for all of the rings to be on it in order.

Words cannot even start to describe how much we love our sweet boy.  He has added so much love and laughter to our life.  We love you so much, Bubba!!