Wednesday, November 21, 2012

October 23, 2012

It was on this day that my first born took her first pee and dump in the potty.  Is she potty trained? No.  Is she potty trainING? No.  She just got down from the table one day and said, 'Bathroom.  Potty.'  So I walked into her closet and got Anna's old potty that I had grabbed a few weeks earlier, put it on the floor, took her clothes off and she sat down.  She looked up and said, 'Uh oh.'  When I checked, she had peed in the potty.  So I high fived her and told her what a good job she had done.  Then she said, 'Uh oh' again and sat back down.  This time she stood up and there was a giant man sized turd in the bottom of the potty.  She looked at me with a worried look on her face and said, 'Uh oh' again.  I again told her that she had done a great job and high fived her.  Once she saw how the potty was going to emptied and she was going to be wiped, it then became kind of fun for her.  So after a little while she sat back down and I'll be dag-oned if she didn't pee again.

I have heard horror stories about potty training and I know that unless the kid is ready, there is no sense in trying to make potty training happen.  So I decided that unless she talked about it, I wouldn't make it a big deal.  So for a few nights after this she would sit down and pee, but that was it.  Every once in a while she will say pee pee and run to the bathroom and when I get in there to take her diaper off it is warm.  So that means she is starting to put two and two together, but I think we still have a while.