Sunday, December 28, 2014

Four (and a half) Months Old!

Totally dropped the ball on the four month update, so here is a Cam update at four and a half months!

  • He weighs 15 lbs 14 oz (48th) and is  26 1/2 in (84th) long!  Despite his chunk, our boy is long and lean!!
  • He is wearing size 2 diapers and 6 month clothes and sleepers.
  • He is drinking 4 to 5 ounces of milk 5 to 6 times a day.  I am still pumping three times a day.
  • He is still taking medicine for reflux twice a day.
  • We only burp him after he eats now and he still spits up a little bit, but that has gotten much better.
  • He is on a pretty solid three hour schedule.  He gives us 10 - 12 hours at night!
  • He is the happiest, most laid back baby!  He smiles and laughs all the time unless he is hungry or super tired.
  • He rolled over from his belly to his back a couple of days before Christmas.  He does it pretty easily now.
  • He is starting to drool a ton and wanting to put everything into his mouth.  I'm thinking he has a couple of teeth trying to make their way up!
  • He still likes his bouncy seat, but he tries to sit up all the time.
  • He loves his exersaucer and will bounce and play with the toys.  He gets overwhelmed when we turn on the sights and sounds.  So for now, he just rolls the balls and bats stuff.
  • To go to sleep, we would wrap Cam up in a Miracle Blanket and a swaddle blanket since he could break out of the Miracle by itself.  So after Christmas (4 1/2 months) we started putting him to sleep in a Zipadee-Zip sleep sack with arms and he has made the transition like a champ.   It allows him to feel secure, but gives him freedom so that we can switch him to just a sleep sack after a few weeks.
  • He is still doing great at school.  He is so observant and loves to just watch what is going on.  He is going to be gone once he starts moving!  He wants so badly to be able to walk and talk and run around!
  • He had a great first Christmas!  He got a few outfits and some toys to chew on and hold on to.
  • We have finally found some soap that Cam can use!  He can take a bath every day and he doesn't break out at all!  We got the Mustela at Babies 'R' Us just to try it out and it has been great!
We are so in love with our sweet boy and love every second of watching him grow!!