Thursday, November 3, 2011

8 Month Update

*She is 18 lbs 4 ounces and    in long.  (I didn’t fill this in for 7 months and I hope I remember to fill it in for 8 months.  If not, we go to the doctor next month for her check up, so I’ll definitely fill it in then!)
*She is still in size 2 diapers.
*She is still in size 6 month clothes and 9 month sleepers.  (Side note: I bought my first box of diapers this week – and that was because they were on clearance and not because I needed them.  Between our WONDERFUL parents and being blessed during our showers, we have been pretty well stocked.)
*At school she has dropped her morning nap.  They would put her down and she would roll around and fuss and cry for about 15 or 20 minutes and then they would just go and get her.  That is when they are doing their songs and lessons and she is too nosy to miss out on all of that.  Then her afternoon nap wasn’t quite as long as I would like.  So I told them to keep her up for the morning and then see what happened to her afternoon nap.  They said that she never rubbed her eyes or acted tired in the morning and then her afternoon nap became anywhere from 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours.  At least she is getting one really good nap.  Then she comes home and I put her down for another hour to 1 1/2 hours.
*She is still eating stage 2 foods and more and more real food.  Sometimes I’ll give her a veggie for dinner and then cut up a pear and let her chomp away at that.  It also helps when I am trying to get dinner ready for Ja and me because it keeps her busy.
*She is the cutest thing when she is feeding herself.  She learned to pick up her food in her palm and then she uses her thumb to shimmy that thing on up there so she can get it in her mouth.  Precious.
*She has two more teeth that have come through – the right front tooth and the one to the right of it (looking at her).  There two were much harder on her than the first two.  She was a lot fussier and lot more uncomfortable seeming.
*Her bottle schedule is still the same.  She feeds herself four times a day!
*We now have a mobile child.  It is crazy how quickly this has come about.  I feel like she has been doing a pushup for a long while now and that she has been really close to crawling, but it only took about a week between figuring out to move her hands one at a time and taking off.  Now she can do about 8 or 9 crawls in a row and then she’ll lunge herself or army crawl the rest of the way.  There is very little that she wants but does not get to!
*She LOVES walking now.  She will reach up and show us that she wants our fingers and then she’ll pull up and take off.  She gets so proud of herself.
*She loves it when you clap and say ‘Yay!’  She gets a huge smile and puts her hands together like she is embarrassed.  Precious.
*We are still working on the sign language and we can see her hand moving a little bit, especially with milk, but nothing concrete yet.
*She loves to play Pee Pie, but she does not like it when you leave her in a room by herself.  I like to think it is just because we have worked all day and she misses us, but I know it is just because she is starting to realize that no one else is there.
*Changing clothes, changing diapers, or anything else that requires her to lay down has become a full on wrestling match.  She has figured out how to sit herself up on the changing table by pulling up on the sides, and now she HATES laying down.
*She is fighting her 2nd really bad cold.  She is pretty pitiful with that bright red nose. 
We love you our sweet, crazy girl! 

My UNCW girls came up for a weekend.  Katie gave Caroline this tutu at one of my baby showers, so we just had to put it on her and show it off!
Ja took Caroline down to his parents for the weekend that my girls were here.  He took Caroline to Wilmington to surprise my mom at work in this outfit.  If she is not ridiculous.
Is it just me, or is that a glimpse at the future handful we are going to have with this one.  Just look at that expression!
Uh oh, we’ve figured out how to give food to the dogs.  Good thing their heads are massive and just the right height to eat off of the tray of the booster seat.
Now that looks like a good time to me!
Give. Me. The. Pickle.
She tore that thing up.  I know it had to feel good on those teeth.
We had a duck in our house on Halloween night!  She wasn’t feeling good and had missed a nap, so she was this lasted about 10 minutes before bedtime!
Look at that duck butt!
That is one proud papa!
Ja had to stay home with Caroline because she was miserable from a cold and those teeth.  This is how we knew she really felt bad.  She never sits still nowadays and she laid like this for about 15 minutes.
Happy 8 Months sweet girl – red nose and all!  (That is the same pig that her pictures are taken with, but instead of just sitting there in the picture, it is now the distraction and gets thrown around a bit!)
My standing up girl!
And she’s off…
Let the games and destruction begin!

Side note:  I love these pjs.  Even though these are a much bigger size, it is the same print that we brought her home in 8 short months ago!