Monday, March 26, 2012


Now that Caroline has reached the big ONE, I'm not going to do monthly updates anymore.  So, every once in a while I'll get on here and just do quick (haha - yeah right!) updates on what she is doing now a days!

Ever since getting tubes last Thursday, I feel like her talking has begun to really take off.
  • When you ask her what a cat says, she'll say 'mmmmow'.
  • When you ask her what a dog says, she'll kind of breathy 'woof' a few times like Riley does when the wind blows.
  • She asked for 'milk' this morning.
  • She'll say 'more' now - especially when you are signing and you aren't looking at her!
  • She loves to say 'No' and shake her head - especially when she knows she has done something you are going to say no to.  She now beats us to the punch.
  • For reasons we don't understand (haha) she has looked at the boys a couple of times and we swear she has said, 'Stop!'  I wonder where she gets that from!
  • When she is eating and something is particularly good, she'll give us a big ol' 'mmmmm'!
  • To understand the next one, you'll need to watch this video:

When Anna was little, I can remember her watching this video all the time.  So whenever we think or talk about Cookie Monster, we always start singing this song in that voice.  For Christmas, Caroline got a little Cookie Monster from Jack.  We would pick it up and start singing that song.  Recently, whenever we hold him up, she'll say 'Cookie' and start dancing.  Even if we say, 'Go get Cookie Monster', she'll take off across the room and pick him up and say 'Cookie'! 

In school, they work on giving hugs and patting other people on the back.  At her birthday party in Jacksonville, she got a baby doll and picked that thing up and just hugged her and patted her back.  We hadn't seen her do that before and it was just about the cutest thing we had ever seen!  She does it all the time now and we can tell her to give something a hug and she will pick it up and squeeze it and just pat its back.  Her is her giving a hug to a dog that sings and his ears flap.  The dog itself is funny, but her giving the thing a hug is PRECIOUS!

Along with the hug and pat, she has also started patting the dogs.  We've been working on this for a while, but just recently she has started to do it more on her own.

She can blow kisses.  She'll hold her hand kind of under her chin, but she'll say 'mmmm-ma'.  We've been working on it for a long time, so this is something to get pumped about!

She can do all parts to Patty Cake.  They aren't always done together, but she can now successfully patty cake, roll 'em over, and throw 'em in the air!

She has become a pointer.  When you pick her up, she will point to where she wants to go.  Ms. Val and Ms. Nita were very impressed with that when I dropped her off this morning.

When we are eating, she'll eat what is in front of her, but she will certainly want what is on our plate - even if it is what she is eating.

Her back molars are coming in, so that is making her a bit of a picky eater.  She can eat her weight in lima beans, but she won't really touch a banana and lots of other things she loved.

She is getting close to walking.  You can tell that she wants to walk and she'll eyeball her destination, but she just doesn't have the confidence yet to take off.  She stood for a good long while tonight and she has taken a step or two, but I don't think it will be long before she is off and running!

Once she masters stuff and we think it is so fun, she stops doing it.  I know it's what those little brains do to make room for new stuff, so I'll be sure to write an update when all of this stuff has gone away and she has some new tricks!


Since Thanksgiving, Caroline has been battling bilateral ear infections.  She has been through 5 or 6 different antibiotics and had a really bad reaction to the augmentin (good to know - not good to have to go through!) and we had had enough.  We took her one time and I asked about tubes and the doctor said we would talk about it the next time.  Sure enough, we were back two weeks later having that conversation.  So I walked into that appointment determined to come out with a tubes referral. 

The doctor did a good job of giving me both sides of the tubes argument.  We are getting out of cold/ear infection season, she may grow out of them, this may be her last - blah, blah, blah.  I listened to him and then quickly let him know that I still want to get tubes.  I was tired of her suffering and was ready to do what we needed to do.

So I got my referral and a few weeks later we were seen.  Our ENT doctor did his duty, also, and gave us both sides of the argument.  He started off with the risks and I thought for sure he was trying to talk us out of it like our other doctor.  He asked what we were thinking about both Ja and I said that we were still looking at going forward with the tubes.  Just like that, his mood changed and we were on the Tubes Train!  He was full steam ahead, ready to go, saw no problem with not doing it.  I sighed with relief and we scheduled the surgery.

Last Thursday was T-Day!  We had to be at Brenner's Children's Hospital at 6:00.  The plan was to get C up and strap her into the car and let her back to sleep.  Well, child doesn't miss a thing because Jason went in to get her and she was sitting up in the middle of her crib ready to go.  So we got there at 6, checked in, and just when we sat down, Leslie showed up!  She had to work that day and came in a little bit earlier to sit with us.  It was great!  When we got called back, Leslie knew just about every nurse that was working and soon, Caroline did, too!  There were awesome animals painted everywhere and while we were talking to the nurses that were checking us in, Leslie took Caroline and started walking her around to see the animals.  When they got back she would fuss and point and they'd go around again.  As the nurses got their chance to come up and say hey to Caroline, she would lean forward and point to the animals and then they were off.  We didn't have to worry about her too much before she went back - she was in good hands!  With all of that going on and everyone telling us how cute she was, before we knew it, they were ready to take her back.  I didn't even have time to get nervous!

After they took her back, Leslie went up to work and Ja and I headed to the waiting room.  I literally sent a text message and read a page in my book before our doctor came out to let use know that everything had gone well.  After a few more minutes, we were told we could go back to see her.  Once our doctor came out, Ja and I had played rock, paper, scissors when he said one of us would be able to go back.  Ja won fair and square, but being the sweet husband he is, he let me go back to get her.  She was rocking away in a nurses lap when I got back there and after she drank some apple juice, it was time to go!  After we got home and she took a good nap, she was ready to eat and play!  We had a great rest of the day just hanging out! 

Yay for no more ear infections!

Caroline getting Aunt Leslie to show her the panda bears - for the 100th time!  Check out the cute little gown and socks!  She was so posing for this picture - what a hot mess!

Hanging out with Daddy and lauging at one of the nurses right before going back!

I could not have been more impressed with Brenner's.  From our doctor (who was affiliated with Baptist) to the nurses and the anesthesiologist, they could not have made us feel more comfortable.  It was a great experience!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

1 Year Update

*She weighs 20 lbs and is 29 in long.  That is the 35th percentile in weight and the 45th percentile in height.  Her head is in the 49th percentile, so she's all in the same general range.

*She is still rocking her 9 month clothes, but her 12 month clothes have made her way into her drawer and closet.  We are set on clothes for a while thanks to Leslie (we borrowed Anna’s old stuff) and a couple of other people that have given us clothes.  We are so lucky!

*She is still in size 3 diapers and will be for quite a while. 

*She is totally a cow’s milk girl!  It only took about a week and a half of mixing them and then she was all milk!  She is so great about transitions and just goes with the flow so easily.  She had a couple of blowouts (sorry, just for me to remember for next time) while her stomach adjusted, but other than that, she did not even blink.  She will grab that sippy cup and throw it back!

*She is still eating just as well, but her pieces can be a bit bigger.  She has figured out how to bite her food and she is so proud of herself!  We did slice her up a banana most mornings, but one time Ja just broke a banana in half to see what she would do.  She picked up a half in each hand and went to town without a bit of trouble.  She was shoving a bit more in her mouth than we would like, so now we just quarter it and put it on her tray and she is good to go!  She still loves all the same food – we haven’t really found anything she truly won’t eat.  Sometimes she goes to town on everything on her plate and other times she will be very compartmentalized and have to finish everything of one type before she moves on.  It is so funny how she is turning into this little person!

*She finally started using sign language right around her first birthday.  We have been using it forever, but I feel like she would just look at us and smirk and then grunt to get what she wanted.  When she grunts, we ask her to say ‘more’ or give us the sign so that she’ll know what to do.  After a couple of tries we give her what we know she wants.  Then one day, we asked her to sign more and she did it perfectly.  We got so excited!  Then that same day, she said ‘more’.  It was like it all clicked at the same time.

*She has said a few words so far: mama, dada, more, duck, Jack Jack, no, …

*She is doing one of my very favorite things right now: I will sit on the floor with her and she’ll crawl to her big stack of books.  She’ll go through the stack pulling every book off until she gets to the one that she wants, usually ‘Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin’, ‘Where is Baby’s Belly Button?’, or ‘Ten Little Ladybugs’, she’ll crawl over to me while sliding the book across the floor with one hand and then she’ll hand me the book.  Then she’ll pull up on me and turn herself around to sit in my lap.  She is getting pretty good at that part.  Then we’ll read the book and when we are finished, I’ll ask her if she wants more, she’ll sign more, and then we’ll read it again.  And again. And again!  I absolutely love it.  She hasn’t played with her toys a lot lately because she is all about some books!

*One of my favorite things she does when she is reading ‘Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin’ is every time the answer to the question is ‘no’, she’ll shake her head no and say no.  Most of the time she doesn’t want to know what the question is, she wants to turn the page so that you’ll say no and she can shake her head and say no.  Awesomely precious.

*There was one afternoon when I needed to run errands after school.  Since she was needing to get home to be put down for a nap, I usually ran errands after Ja was home and she was in bed for the night.  That day, though, she seemed to be in a good mood, so we ran an errand, went by the park to swing, got home and she ate, and by 6:30 she was done.  So I put her to bed and she slept hard until the next morning.  So now I have found out that I can keep her up 2 or 3 days a week.  There are some days when she falls asleep on the way home.  I don’t mind letting her nap, but I just felt like getting her up from that late nap when she was sleeping so hard couldn’t be good for her sleep rhythms.  So now we get a couple of nights a week when we get to read books and play for a few hours before bed, and a couple of nights where she naps when we get home and I get to get some things done.  It’s the best of both worlds!

*Yesterday we were playing and she was crawling around and she crawled over to our bedroom door.  It was closed, but she was in the little alcove in front of it.  Then she sat back like she was trying to hide.  So I scooted back so she couldn’t see me.  I leaned forward and she saw me and CACKLED.  Then I scooted back and after a few seconds she leaned forward so she could see me and she cackled again.  We played this for about 5 minutes and she laughed every time.  It was the first time we had really been able to play something other than with a toy.  It was hilarious.

*She is starting to get braver and braver with her walking.  She’ll let go and go from one thing to another very quickly.  I think she is still a little ways off, but she’ll push the walker now and walk all the way across the den and living room to the kitchen. 

*Her hair is getting long now and I don’t like it hanging straight down.   It is pretty thin, so bows don’t stay very well, so I don’t want to send her to school with one and give them something else to keep up with (she takes her socks off the minute she gets there and then they have to go searching for them and lots of times find them on the teddy bears!).  I had given her ‘palm hair’ like I used to wear, but it wasn’t as cute as I thought it could be.  Then I thought about giving her pigtails.  The cuteness level is out of control.  She doesn’t mess with them and it is the perfect way to keep her hair under control!  She has some curls in the back, but I’m not getting my hopes up that her hair is going to be curly because the top of her head is stick straight.  We shall see!

*She LOVES playing in the bath.  The getting out and being wet and cold part – not so much.  A game she has started to play is the ‘bottom’ game.  Ever since she started crawling around and moving around in the tub, we have sat her down when she has started to stand up and told her to ‘sit on her bottom’.  After sitting her down and saying it for a while, she got to the point where you could just say ‘bottom’ and she’d sit down.  Now she’ll hang on the edge of the tub while she is on her knees and almost lay herself down in the tub, then she’ll pop up like she is about to stand up.  Then she’ll shake her head no and fling herself back down.  Then she’ll look up at me with a huge smile on her face and do it again.  She also loves to stand up on the edge and then let go and sit down in the water and make a big splash.  What a mess!

*She loves to swing and go to the park to watch other kids.  When we are in a restaurant she will break her neck to be able to see other kids and what they are doing.

*Ms. Val and Ms. Nita (her teachers) call her their 2 year old 1 year old!  They are so impressed with how well she eats, drinks that milk, can sit in a chair like a big girl, and take care of herself and her toys!
Alright, that’s all the cute stuff I can remember right now.  I’ll be sure to jot some more stuff down as it comes!

You read those books, girl!

Modeling her bikini that Anna passed down!


Playing with Daddy!


Our 1 year old hot mess!

Happy Birthday! – Part 2


Caroline’s birthday fell on a Friday.  That night Jason was going to be in Greensboro to watch his high school play in the regional state basketball playoffs, so I knew that we needed to do something earlier in the day to celebrate.  I looked around a little bit and found a breakfast themed birthday party.  It was so cute, so I figured we would do a birthday breakfast!  I think we may have started a tradition in our house!


Her seat all ready for her!


Birthday pancakes!

IMG_0071 IMG_0073

Opening her first music card and dancing!  She went crazy!


Dancing with her pancake!


Daddy and the birthday girl!


The birthday girl!

That day I also took mini cupcakes and mandarin oranges to her school and they had a little party there.  She was sitting up in that chair like a big girl and they were so good to her all day!  She even got a jack-in-the-box from Ms. Val and Ms. Nita!



Happy Birthday! – Part 1


Caroline got to first celebrate her birthday with Jack!  We figured it would be easier for our family to travel one time to celebrate both birthdays since they are only a month apart.  So February 18th was the day and it was perfect.  The weather was perfect, having the whole family (Mimi, Papa, Jeffro + his fam, Greg + Michelle, plus Oie and his family!) running around was perfect, and the party itself couldn’t have gone any better.  Everyone was playing outside for a while and then it was time for pizza, a GREAT cake show, and opening a few gifts!  Thanks, everyone, for making that such a great day!!

.facebook_1682269351 The birthday girl posing with her hat after her nap!


Mimi with the big girls!


Who doesn’t love a sandbox!


Me with the two birthday babies!


Birthday cousins!


Naked and ready to go – happy birthday!


Diving right in!


Jack is so excited!  Caroline is too busy feeding her face to get excited!


I haven’t had the blue cake before, can I have some?




The aftermath – both had to be taken to the tub in their seats for a hose down.  Caroline was still eating at this point!


Oie’s birthday happened to be on the day of the party, so Mom made him a cake that their mom used to make him every year!


Nia’s birthday was the week after the party, so she got a cupcake!


Oren LOVES Murphy!  I’m so glad he could be a part of the day!


Thank you, everyone, for such a great day!  (And a big shout out to Leslie + Will for all of these pictures – I ganked them off facebook!)

We have a 1 year old!!!


It gets crazier every time I say that – holy crap, we have a 1 year old!

I thought that I’d be sad, because I have seen a lot of my friends go through first birthdays and they are always very nostalgic and the day is bittersweet now that babyhood is pretty much over.

I was not sad one bit.  I LOVED going back through and looking at pictures and watching videos from this past year, but I am so proud of how much she has grown and how well she has developed.  I feel like every month has been more fun than the one before it and all her birthday did was make me so excited about everything we have in front of us!

Let’s take a look back at the monthly pig pictures and see what a mess our little girl has become! (Clicking on the link below each picture will take you to that month’s update!)

IMG_0225 16 1/2 hours old!

1 Month!

1 Month Old!

2 Months!!

2 Months Old!


  3 Months Old!


4 Months Old!


5 Months Old!


6 Months Old!


7 Months Old!


8 Months Old!


9 Months Old!


 10 Months Old!


11 Months Old!


Our 1 year old!