Wednesday, October 5, 2011

7 Month Update

I cannot believe that my sweet girl is already 7 months old!  Where is the pause button?!?!

*She is   lbs. and    inches long (I’ll fill this in when I get a chance to get it!)

*She is in size 2 diapers.  They are still a bit big on her, so I think she’ll be in them for a while!

*She is wearing 6 month clothes and 9 month sleepers.  I washed the 6 month sleepers and put the first one on her and her toes were already about to bust out.  We got about 2 or 3 weeks out of them, but they then we had to make the switch to the 9 month.  They are a little big on her, so I think we’ll be in those for a while.  The 6 month clothes fit her really well right now.

*We are doing the same thing for naps.  At ‘school’ she takes a little one in the morning (30 – 45 minutes) because that is when they are doing activities with the big kids.  She gets a little power nap in and then she wants to be a part of what is going on!  In the afternoon she is consistently taking a good 1 – 1 1/2 hour nap.  Then when we get home she takes an 1 1/2 – 2 hour nap.  I still don’t like that she has to be asleep when she gets home, but if she needs her sleep I’m going to let her have it.

*On the weekends she sleeps in until about 8:30 and then takes two big naps (2 – 3 hours).  It is perfect.  It gives us time to get stuff done, but then we get a lot of time to spend with her.  It is funny how she does one thing when she is at ‘school’ and then immediately transitions into her weekend routine.

*She still has her two little pearls that she flashes all the time.  We have added brushing her teeth to her nighttime routine and she loves doing it by herself (aka holding the toothbrush and gnawing on it)!

*She is still on stage 2 foods and has pretty much the same eating schedule as she has had for a while.  She gets cereal (oatmeal or rice) and 1/2 a fruit with a 6 ounce bottle for breakfast.  She is now getting a veggie at lunch at ‘school’ with an 8 ounce bottle.  She gets an 8 ounce bottle at 3 and then she gets a dinner or a veggie and the leftover fruit for dinner with a 6 ounce bottle right before bed.  She also gets a sippy cup with water at all of her meals and she is getting the hang of what she is supposed to be doing with it.

*She can now hold her bottle and feed herself.  She started a little while back just playing with the bottle while we held it and now she can take it and hold it the whole time she eats.

*We are now completely formula and have been for a while.  She never even blinked. 

*Along with her meals of baby food, we have been trying to let her have just about anything we have.  She started to become very interested in what we were eating, so we started giving her little bitty pieces of just about everything.  It is making me make better choices with what I eat because I know I’ll be giving her some.  We also still give her bigger chunks of stuff in her net thing and now that she can hold it by herself, she loves it!  She also is getting better and better at feeding herself.  We still put her in her booster seat with puffs and she is entertained for quite a while!

*She is now completely a sitter and can now get herself from sitting up to laying on her belly.  She also, finally, today rolled over from her front to her back (she did it a few months ago and then just stopped doing it).  She can do a girl pushup and she is starting to get her knees under her and rock.  She doesn’t do it for long, but she at least has the idea of how things are supposed to go.  She is starting to push herself backwards, so I think she’ll figure it out soon.

*If you reach your hands out she knows to grab a hold of them and pull herself up.  Other than that she shows very little interest in walking.  Even when you lean her forward to see if she’ll take a step she just lets you lay her down.  I think it will be a while on the walking – which is FINE WITH ME!!

*I feel like within the past few days she has gotten exponentially more expressive.  She has started to get a little bit fussier when she isn’t getting what she wants.  She is letting you know when she wants more food and when she doesn’t want to be by herself.  She smiles pretty easily and laughs if you get her in the right mood or tickle her or do the ALWAYS funny raspberry at her.  It is really cool to see.

*We have been doing sign language with her since about 4 months.  We are just doing more, milk, all done, and please.  You can tell she is watching what we are doing, so one of these days we’ll see it from her.

*She is getting more and more developed with her language.  She has added a few more sounds (she has said mama a couple of times, but not with enough consistency to get excited about) and she is always messing around with the volume and pitch of what sounds she is making.

*I know it is obvious on this blog how much we love our child, but I feel like every day I love her more.  I don’t know how that is possible, but I am so lucky that God picked me to be her Mama!


I can’t even tell you how long I’ve waited to get those jeans on her.  They are ridiculous!  Look at my big girl sitting up, too!



Mimi and Papa came up for one of Jason’s football games and Caroline entertained them the whole time!


Caroline and Jack playing with her new music table – thanks, Mimi!

Check out the video of them playing here!


She could sit and try to eat puffs for hours.  Here she is one morning while I’m getting breakfast ready for her.  It’s almost in there, big girl!


If she is not her Daddy’s daughter!


Grammie and Grandpa came up to see her, too!


Happy 7 months, Sweet Caroline!


Here are a couple more videos of her – here and here!

The first one is of her saying her famous da-da and the second is of her saying I love you!