Sunday, September 29, 2013

2 1/2 Years Old!

The beginning of September was time for our last non-year doctor visit!  She is getting so big that they only need to see her once a year!

Her measurements were 31 pounds, 37 3/4 inches, 19 inches for her head circumference.  She jumped up to the 90th percentile in height and stayed right around the 60th-70th percentile in weight and head circumference.  She has grown like a weed!!

Dr. Kooy checked her out and asked all of the normal questions.  One of those questions was what her favorite color was.  C told her it was orange and pink.  Dr. Kooy said in all of her years she had never had a little girl say anything but pink and purple.  I told her that C had her own little drummer!  Then she got Caroline on the ground and said that she normally asked 3 year-olds to do a few things, but she wanted to see if C could do it because she seemed to be ahead of the curve with her speech and conversation.  First, she asked her if she could stand on one foot - C picked up her right foot and held it straight out in front of her.  Then she did the same with the left.  Then Dr. Kooy asked her if she could walk on her tip toes.  C popped right up on those bad boys and pranced around the room.  The rest of the time we were talking, C was proudly walking around and asking Dr. Kooy if she could see her.  Dr. Kooy said she wouldn't be surprised with Caroline was quite the athlete - her Daddy was pretty excited about that.

All in all, couldn't have asked for a better visit!  Caroline did GREAT and is growing up fantastically!