Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Cam - 1.5+

Just wanted to take a quick second and try to remember Cam as he is right now! He is 20 months old (sorry to all the haters that don't think ages in months is necessary), which means that we are not too far from having ourselves a 2 year old! There is NOTHING about him that is a baby these days and he is a HOT MESS, but my lord do we love that sweet boy!

It's a good thing he is as cute as he is!  T-R-O-U-B-L-E

*I took him to his 18 month appointment (around 19 months) and he did great.  He is 34.5" tall (91st) and 27.13 lbs (78th).  He is long and lean!  

*Dr. Kooy checks out his back, but it is not actively being watched by anyone right now!  We don't have to go back to the doctor unless we see symptoms of retethering down the line.  Way to go, Bubba!

*He did great on his developmental questionnaire and he is right on track.  

*He is a good sleeper and most nights he sleeps from around 7:30/8:00 to 6:30/7:00 the next morning.  We have had a few regressions/teeth/who in the world knows episodes in the past few months, but they are definitely not the norm.

*He still takes an afternoon nap on the weekends.  Usually Saturday he gives us a solid 3 hour nap and then on Sunday it is a good 2 hours.  Since he doesn't really nap at school during the week, by the weekend he is exhausted!

*He is still in his sleep sack and the crib is all the way as low as it can go.  Next step is to put the mattress on the floor.  I have a feeling this kid is going to be in a crib until he is 15!

*It took a year and a half, but he has finally kind of attached himself to something.  When he had his surgery over a year ago, Brenner's gave us a green dog with a purple back pack.  It has been in his toy tub in his room.  A couple of weeks ago he was throwing things out of the tub and found that dog.  Since then, when we put him to bed he holds it when he is rocking with us and he holds on tight when we lay him in the bed.  He calls him his 'boof' and he will ask for him if he can't find him! 

*He LOVES going to school and in the mornings says, 'Go go!' and says 'Val!' as we pull up.

*He eats pretty well overall, but your guess is as good as mine as to what he will eat on any given day.  What he inhales for one meal he will try to throw the next!  He's just keeping us on our toes.  For the most part he likes pretzel sticks, frozen blueberries, pears, peaches, watermelon, apples, strawberries, pb&js, Cheerios (in milk like a big boy), green beans, peas, chicken nunnets, fish sticks, and pizza.

*He definitely has really big feelings.  When he is happy, his smile could light up the world.  When he is angry or frustrated, though, you better watch out.  He can be mean as a hornet.  We are trying to work with him on his hitting and headbutting (what?!?).  Caroline went through a little bit of this, but this is new territory for us.  He isn't biting as much, so there is that.  It's the little stuff, people.

*He knows what time out is and will go and sit in his chair when we tell him to.  After he sits for about a minute we tell him that he needs to come say he is sorry and he will lay his head on you and give you a hug.

*He loves taking a bath and even at his grumpiest, he usually perks up during a bath.

*He can say a bunch of words pretty clearly: hat, ball, all animal sounds, go go, bag, milk, boof (dog), butt (thanks, Caroline), Dada, Mama, Sissss, Bubba, no (his favorite), bye bye, Val, dip (ketchup/ranch), what's that, this, boo (booboo), Paw Poll (Paw Patrol), and I'm sure there are a few I'm forgetting.

*He can be SOO sweet when he wants to be.  He loves his Sissy and wants to do everything he can with her or to copy her.  She is less than receptive some times, but there are some times when he gets hurt and he goes to Caroline instead of Jason or me.  She eats it up.  Most of the time, Caroline is completely in love with Cam.

*He is so funny.  He is figuring out that he can do stuff to make us laugh and once he gets us, he will keep doing it over and over.  It is hilarious!

*He is very smart.  He can be a crazy boy and run around and destroy stuff, but he can also sit and think and figure stuff out.  I have been amazed at some of the stuff he can already do.

*He loves to play outside.  He loves bubbles (dumping them out), throwing balls, jumping on the trampoline, playing with sidewalk chalk (and dumping it out the bucket and putting it all back in), going for walks, and already wants to ride a bicycle. 

*He has a new affinity for hats.  He loves them.  We got him a Paw Patrol hat and he wears it ALL the time.  Also from the picture above you can see that he also loves sunglasses (even if they are Dora)!

*Who says that boy clothes aren't cute?!  He is rocking some of the cutest t-shirt/short combos right now.  Carter's has some athletic sets with matching shorts and shirts and they are so dag on cute!! He is in 3T shirts and 2T shorts.  They aren't little on him, but they definitely aren't big!  He should be able to wear them throughout the summer.  

*If he wants you to go somewhere he is not afraid to grab you hand, shorts, pants, shirts, whatever he can get a hold of and lead you to where he needs you to be.  He will also say 'up!' and grunt like it is a struggle.  

*When life gets crazy and the days are long, my stillness happens when I am putting my boy to bed.  He is running and running all day long, but when it is time for bed, he stills.  He drinks his milk and once he has had enough he turns over and nuzzles into my neck.  I remember when he fit into the crook of my arm and now his long legs run all the way down to the chair.  But for those few precious seconds I just get to hold my littlest love and breath.  When he was little there were so many days that I would just hold him and pray for sleep to come for him.  It took us a while, but we figured each other out and now getting to watch him sleep is such an answered prayer for me.


You are everything I dreamed a little boy could be.  You are sweet, crazy, busy, strong, smart, busy, fast, funny, and so incredibly sweet.  You can be frustrating sometimes and you can test every single limit we put in front of you, but you keep on testing, sweet boy.  Your daddy and sissy and I love you to the moon and back and nothing you can do will ever change that.  I wait for 4 o'clock every day so I can see your sweet face and I soak up every second of the weekend with you.  You are one of my favorite little things on this planet and I love watching the boy you are becoming.  

I love you,


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