Saturday, February 1, 2014

Real Talk

Here is some honesty that may not be appropriate.

If you have read any previous posts, you have read that Caroline slept through the night at about 6 weeks old and always has, she asked to be potty trained, she asked to give up her Daci, etc.  I am by no means saying that Caroline has not provided us with plenty of frustrations, but in the grand scheme of kid raising, she has been pretty easy.  I have heard lots and lots of stories that leave me feeling very lucky.  So, the idea of another child leaves a lot of room for my imagination to go wild.  I am just hoping that maybe Jason and I produce kids that are on the easier side of the scale.  Or, maybe I'll come back to this in a couple of years and laugh my head off because my imagination came to life!

The second thing that makes me a little bit nervous is the whole 'how do you love another child as much as you love the one you already have' thing.  We are by no means the first people to have more than one child, so I know that you really do love all of your children and your heart just grows and grows and grows with each one.  The amount of love I have for Caroline is insane.  I have never known love like this.  Is it possible to love another one like this?  My mind knows that it has to be possible, but just sitting on this side of it, it is something that I am nervous about.

The third thing that makes me nervous is that Caroline's world is about to be rocked.  Being from a family of four, I completely understand the benefits of siblings.  The life lessons of sharing and coexisting with other people, life long friends that you happen to be related to, always having someone to play with and share stuff with, etc.  Right now, though, Caroline has it made.  She has our attention all the time.  We spend time with her and just her.  That will all change.  I know that it is going to be so good for her, because there are some very real detriments of being the center of attention all the time.  The process of getting to that point, though,  is not always easy.  She is really excited about being a big sister and helping and holding and doing lots of things with and for the baby.  I am just not looking forward to her wanting me or needing me and me not being able to do anything for her because I am busy with the baby.  That will very quickly be what we do and how things go, but looking into that part of my future is a bit daunting.

With all of that being said, I am over the moon excited about having another baby.  The smells, the snuggles, the sounds, the firsts, the love, watching Caroline and her brother/sister play together, grow up together.  I am really excited about it all.  This is me being real.  Aren't these fairly normal feelings and concerns?  I have a feeling it will be pretty funny to come back and read this in a year or so!

Second Round!

We are going to make this family of three into a family of four!!  I am due August 12, 2014.  We find out in late March if Caroline will have someone to share her princess stuff with or Daddy will have someone to teach football to!

We have worked on this one for a few months, but if one thing is for sure, we are NOT in control!  So our baby will be here a week before football season and a week before school starts!  The timing may not be the best, but we cannot wait for August to meet our next beautiful mess!!

Almost 3 Year Old!

People give parents a hard time about saying their kid is 30 months rather than just saying 2 1/2.  By people, I mean me.  I never understood it and I thought it was silly.

Well, once again, being a parent has made me swallow lots of things I said before kids.  I totally get why months are used because Caroline as a 25 month old and Caroline as a 35 month old are two completely different things.  At the beginning of her two-year old year, she was a walking, talking baby.  She was capable of doing a lot of things, but she still had baby cheeks and talked baby talk.  Fast forward to the end of her two-year old year and she is in no way shape or form a baby.  I love how independent and grown up she is, but lately I have been going back and watching videos and looking at pictures of her, just to help me remember her baby-ness!  I know I will be doing that for a long time, because she will only get bigger from here!

Some things that I want to remember about my big girl:

*She is completely potty trained.  The second attempt stuck and we have not turned back.  She wore a diaper for nap and at night time until one day she asked me if she could nap in her underwear.  We had accidentally put her down for a nap with no diaper and she had done fine, so diapers at naps were over.  Then a few weeks later, she asked me if she could sleep at night with her underwear on.  So we rolled with it.  She has had a couple of accidents over the past few months, but she has done fabulously.  Our girl is completely potty trained and 90% of it was her idea!

*She is completely without Daci (her pacifier).  A week or so ago, I went to go get her in the morning.  She told me that she was ready to give her Daci to the babies.  (When she got her big girl bed in November, we told her that she didn't need her Daci in her new bed because she was a big girl and that babies sleep in cribs and need a Daci.  She would talk about the idea of giving it up, but when it was time, she would not be quite so sure.  We could have pushed the issue, but decided that we would give her until her 3rd birthday and then we'd force the issue.)  We hadn't talked about it in a while, so I just went along with it.  I figured that we would talk about it and then when nap time rolled around, she would need it back.  Nap time came and went, no Daci.  I figured for sure, bed time wouldn't happen.  Bed time came and went, no Daci.  She asked me about it once, I told her she didn't need it, and she has not asked for it again.  It is still sitting at the top of her closet where it will stay until I'm ready to throw it away.  (It is so funny to me that some times parents have a harder time letting go of things than kids do!)  We had also told her that when she gave up her Daci, she would get Sofia and Minimus figures that she had been asking for.  Well, she saw Sofia, Vivian (Bibian), Crackle, and Clover at Target the week before she gave up Daci, so when she told she was ready to give it up, she gladly told me that since she gave up Daci, she could get Sofia and Vivian.  I wanted to make sure that this was going to stick before we rewarded her, but about four or five days in with no mention, homegirl got her Sofia and Vivian. (Sidenote:  I completely understand that giving up a pacifier is not always this easy. I was expecting this to be a huge struggle because she would sneak in to her room to get her fix like it was a drug or something.  I am baffled that she made this decision, but I am very proud of her and just rolling with it!)

*She can talk anyone's head off and we often get asked if she is 4 years old.  Her vocabulary is rather large and there isn't much that she can't tell you.  I do love that her 'th' sounds are still 'f' sounds right now.  Like, free years old, I fink I'm going to...  It is one of the few baby things we are holding on to!

*We have completely entered the stage of very few items she will eat.  It is tough to get her to try anything new, she thinks (finks) she knows what she likes and what she doesn't, even when she hasn't tried anything new.  Her loves are still mac and cheese, bisketti (spaghetti), chicken nuggets, green beans, carrots, ranch, most fruits, and her treats (she really likes candy and ice cream, like most kids, but she is pretty good about stopping when she is done).

*She has entered complete sass mode.  She has always had a bit of a tude, but she is reaching the age where she understands what she is doing and saying.  This where karma is really going to start being a bitch.  I ask her to do something, she does the opposite.  Not like a two year old, where she is testing boundaries or may not know what I mean.  Like a three year old that knows exactly what she is doing and what button she is pushing.  This three year old stage is going to be a tough one - just a guess.

*She is in huge need of control - as are most three year olds.  She likes to pick what to eat, what to wear, what she is going to do, when she is going to do it, for how long she is going to do it, and on and on and on.  We give her choices where we can, but there are just some times, my friend, that you do what you are told because I am your momma and I said so.  (Dear Lord, I am my mom.)

*She is in complete princess mode.  To date she has seen Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Tangled, and loves Sofia the First.  We have a lot of princess movies left, so that will be fun.  I was never a huge fan of the princess stuff, just because I am the opposite of girly, but it is fun.  I don't mind watching the movies and singing the songs.

*Lately she has been telling us what to say.  As in, 'Mommy, say how is your dinner, Princess?'  Then she will answer like we randomly asked her that question.

*She has done great with her big girl bed.  Not gonna lie, I'm a little bit jealous.  That bed is awesome.  It is lofted a bit, so that gives her some room underneath for her 'Secret Spot'.  Mom sewed some curtains to hang so she can totally go under there and be by herself.  She loves it.  I told Jason that putting her in a bed and out of the crib could completely ruin our lives if she was going to start creeping around the house, but like everything else, she has done fantastically.  Even after being in her bed for a few months, we are still trying to tell her that when she wakes up she can come out of her room and doesn't have to stay in there yelling for us.  Guess I scared the daylights out of her when I first gave her instructions about getting out of her bed!

*She loves saying that stuff is 'so whack'.  Hearing it used in the correct context in her little voice is about the funniest thing I've ever heard.

*She is doing great at school, but we still have a crying thing in a the morning most mornings.  Not sure what it is, but she is fine seconds later and has a great day at school.  It certainly is not fun, but it does not concern me like it once did.  Some days we can talk school up and talk about other things to distract her and I get a smile and a wave.  Those days are my favorite.

*She can tell you how old she is, how old she will be on her birthday, that her birthday is on March the second, and her birthday will come in the spring when it is warm and the flowers are growing.  (I am aware March is not spring yet, but just roll with it.)

*She is my absolutely beautiful mess.  She is absolutely hilarious, so unique, so independent, and just awesome on so many levels.  She is my 'best girl in the whole wide world'.

Painting the Sky

Downtown Winston Salem at sunset (photo credit)

Being born and raised in North Carolina, I am a bit partial to the beauty that surrounds us here.  I feel like God particularly likes to show off in the sunsets.  I always try to take a picture, but I can never, ever capture the vividness of the colors.

One day, as Caroline and I were driving somewhere, I pointed to the sky and told her to look at the clouds and the colors.  I went on and on about how beautiful they were and how they looked like God had painted them.  She took in a dramatic deep breath and said, 'Oh my goodness.  They are beautiful!'  So, looking at the clouds became one of our 'things'.  I would point them out any time the sky was particularly on fire and she loves when the clouds are pink and orange.  After about a week of this, she said, 'Mommy, I want to paint the clouds!'  Being my mathematical/scientifically-minded self, I immediately went in to how far away the sky was and that we couldn't really touch the clouds, blah, blah, blah.  The next day, she said the same thing again.  This time, though, I heard it differently.  This time it wasn't something that couldn't be done.  It was a two year old, dreaming that anything was possible.  Who was I to tell her she couldn't do something?  So, I told her that she could paint the sky any time that she wants to.  Then we talked about the colors she would use and how she could help God make the sky look beautiful every day.  The next day she told me the same thing.  Never again did I tell her she couldn't.  I helped her dream the biggest dream her little mind could hold.

My sweetest Caroline,

As your momma, it is my job to help keep you grounded and rooted in goodness, while at the same time I am to give you what you will need to fly as high as you possibly can.  In this world, there will be a lot of people and things that try to keep you from reaching your dream.  I hope to never be one of those people.  I promise to be honest with you about my thoughts and fears for any dream you may have, but I hope I can always be the one to give you that first push to get you into the air.  What ever it is that you dream of, my sweet girl, I want you to know that I believe that you can paint any kind of sky you want!