Monday, July 1, 2013

Seeing The Good

My mom posted this article last week on Facebook.  I read it and it really did inspire me to want to see the good in what Caroline does.  Since it is the summer and I'll be home with her, I wanted to make the most of every day.  So the day after I read it I headed out to get the pom poms so we could start giving out our 'warm fuzzies'.  We got up the next morning and I was so excited to sit her down and explain to her what the fuzzies were and how she could earn them. That immediately lead into a torrential tantrum because she wanted to play with all of them right then.  She flung herself on the floor, had to go to time out, spent a good few minutes crying - it was horrible.  What an ironic start to something that is supposed to be a good thing!  After she calmed down and I was able to explain the situation again, I asked her to apologize for throwing her fit.  She gave me a hug and said, 'I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to. I was just being a little bit silly! I feel so happier now!'  Whack job!

We started this last week and she has almost filled her jar.  She doesn't ask for them, but she gets super excited when we tell her that she has earned one.  And each time we talk about why she is getting one and she is quick to tell you that you get one 'for listening, sharing, being nice, and helping'!  Doing this has really helped me see the good in what she does.  (Sidenote: this has not taken the place of discipline.  I still fully believe that there are certain times and situations that call for a spanking and time out.)  For instance, she has learned how to take her clothes off.  She has also began to figure out how to dress herself.  So one day she came out of her room and she had taken off her pajamas and was fully dressed.  She did not match at all and there were clothes all over her room, but I gave her a fuzzy because I was so proud of her for being able to do it by herself.  You could see the pride in her face.  It was priceless.  I think this will be a great thing to teach her good behavior and good manners and it was help me see the good that she does through the mess! 

Update:  She did such a good job over the past week that she filled up her first jar!  We told her she could earn a prize and so off to Walmart we went.  We looked at Sofia, Dora, Bubble Guppies and at the end of the day she chose a Mike Wazowski (Monsters Inc monster who she calls Mikey Owski) and a cowboy hat.  I love that when we go shopping she knows exactly what she wants and will tell you to put back what she doesn't.  Makes our fun shopping much easier!

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