Which brings me to the point of this post. I have started planning our meals out week by and week and doing the grocery shopping on Sundays. It has saved us from a lot of produce going bad and it has also saved us from the terrible What Are We Having For Dinner? question that I got so sick of. So the first Sunday was pretty fun because it was a new way of doing things. I was in charge of the kitchen (which has not been the case since Jason is the true chef of our family) and I had my list and I was ready to go. Michelle actually went with me, which made it a bit easier. I was in and out and it was not TOO painful. But don't get that tangled and twisted - I was by no means a fan of that place. There are just TOO many people trying to get to the same stuff and it is overwhelming and overcrowded and I overhate it. The next Sunday was worse. I spent all Saturday dreading the trip. The next weekend I ended up just going to Target and getting enough to get us through the week until I could build up the whatever-I-would-need to get back to Walmart.
Last weekend I set up a challenge for myself. I wanted to see how much more expensive Target was than Walmart so I would know that I really did need to go to Walmart to save the most money for my family. (Side note: Since I am the money person for our family, this is VERY important to me since I see the money go out and come in every month.) So I took my list for that week and I went to Target and priced every single item. Target had every thing that I needed for that week. Then I went to Walmart and told myself that I would buy anything at Walmart that was cheaper. Honest to goodness, I left there with one bag full of maybe five or six things. Their canned goods were a few cents cheaper and there were a couple of other items that were cheaper, but it wasn't by much. Everything else I ended up getting at Target because they were cheaper. So not only is Target cheaper on most items I was looking for, I also got 5% off on top of that! It was awesome! If I had really been doing my research as the mathematical brain that I am I would have calculated average percentages and exactly how much cheaper Target was, but I did not. Honestly, I did not think Target was going to be cheaper, so I wasn't prepared for that part of the challenge. Maybe another Sunday!
So needless to say, I am very excited about my Sunday shopping trips to Target to get ready for the meals for the week!
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