Ever since I got pregnant the first time I have been looking at all the baby crap you need to get and getting an idea of what I wanted so when it came time to register, I would have a game plan. So I have looked and look and read review after review and I have a pretty good idea of what I want to get.
The first thing I picked out was the travel system I wanted. We read Consumer Reports and found the safest and discussed the 22 lb. infant seat versus the 30lb. one. The trouble was, you get more for your money with the 30 lb. seat, but the pretty pattern I wanted was in the 22 lb. version. So Jason and I talked and talked. He was the rational one that wanted more for his money. Luckily, though, at a party I sat around with a bunch of moms and we were talking about it and they convinced me that I could get the 30 lb. infant seat all I wanted, but good luck lugging around a 30 lb. baby in a bucket. Awesome...I had my selling point!! Look how pretty it is!

So now I'm in limbo. I want everything I can get in that pattern, but I can't have it. So I'm trying to pick between the Chicco Keyfit in some fugly pattern or the Graco Snugride 35 which just came out and has not been tested but has all the same features as the Keyfit, but of course they don't have a pattern I like in that either. Am I ruined? Will I ever be able to pick a pattern I like and that I'm proud to put my sweet little peanut in? (How is that for dramatic?)
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