More nuggets of goodness that I want to remember:
*Funny quotes from this week:
'Daddy, you not tickle mommy's butt anymore, Daddy!'
On one episode of Dora, King Bobo is silly and gets things all messed up. So to stop Swiper, instead of saying, 'Swiper, no swiping!' he says, 'Swoopy, no doopy!' and a few other silly things. So we started asking C, 'How do you stop Swiper? Do you say, swoopy no soupy? Or loopy no boopy?' and she would belly laugh and close her eyes and double over. Precious. This week she will look at us and say, 'How do you stop Swiper? Swoopy no doopy! Noooo!' and die laughing. Double precious.
'I almost a-got!'
'I like a-sketti!
*C has 'me' and 'my' mixed up right now. For instance, 'You need to help my up!'
*She has started to use good manners on here own, for better or for worse. This week it has transitioned from, 'I have some ice cream, please?' like we have been working on to, 'I have some ice cream, please? I just really, really want some ice cream, please Mommy!' complete with pouty face, slumped shoulders, and sweet tone.
*When you ask her if she wants to do something, she'll say, 'Ok!' in a really high pitched voice. One of my favorite things she does right now.
*I had an apple for breakfast one morning this week and she watched me take a bite out of it. Then she asked for it. Before I knew it, half of the apple was gone. So this week her favorite thing to do is eat an apple all by herself.
*She has been peeing in the potty every night before bath/bed and in the mornings when she wakes up. She is by no means potty trained, but she is currently showing interest in it. We shall see.
*Jason was putting C to bed one night and for some reason they started talking about baby stars and mommy stars and daddy stars. So now before she goes to bed, she asks to for us to sing Twinkle, Twinkle, but we have to insert baby, mommy, and daddy star into the song.
*Wednesday is Sharing Day at C's school. It started as a way to teach the kids how to stand up in front of people and talk. So they would let them find something around the room or from outside and then they have to stand up and say, 'My name is Caroline and I have such and such for Sharing Day.' I didn't know it was an actual thing and according to her teachers it was not until two or three kids started taking it seriously and bringing stuff from home. Well, this past Wednesday was C's first official sharing day. She told Mrs. Val she was going to bring in a Bubble Guppies movie (shocking) and Mrs. Val relayed that information to me. When we got home there was a package in the mail from Jason's mom. When we opened it it had two Bubble Guppies books in it and a pair of PJs. C got so excited and I told her she could take her books for Sharing Day and she got excited all over again. So the next morning she was telling Jason about it. He told her how cool that was and let her know that she was going to have to share the books with others and all of her friends would get to see how awesome the books were. She looked right at home and said, 'I leave my books at home. I taking Bubble Guppies movie!' She said BUMP THAT! I am not sharing my brand new books. Maybe she'll be ok by next Wednesday, or the next!
*She must be going through a growth spurt because for the past two weeks, she has asked to be put to bed. She'll ask for Bobo and Daci and we'll put her in the bed and not hear another word. Yesterday she didn't take a nap and when I got home about 5:15 she told me she wanted to get in the bed and see Bobo and Daci. I didn't even shut her door because she'll just sit in there sometimes (we only allow her to have Bobo and Daci in the bed, so sometimes she'll go sit for a few minutes to get her fix). I walked back in 5 minutes later and she was out and slept until 7. I will never not allow my child to go to sleep when they ask for it!
*We have very recently started to get uncoaxed 'I love you's'! I say I love her every night before she goes to bed and now she will say, 'I love you, Mommy!' There is nothing better in this world. The other morning I woke up and walked into the living room and she ran up and flung her arms around my legs and said, 'There you are! I love you, Mommy!' and then she ran away as quickly as she got there.
*Every once in a while she will get a treat after dinner. It may be ice cream or something sweet. Recently, Jason gave her some Jello chocolate pudding (sugar free and fat free). She LOVES it. She says that there is ice cream in her pudding! If she believes it is that good and it is not bad for her at all, I'll take it!