Sunday, July 29, 2012


It's Caroline update time!

*She refers to herself as a 'hot mess' now.  When she does something funny, she'll just say 'hot mess' completely unprompted.

*She calls herself 'Carowine'.  She started doing this when she would walk around with a fake phone and say 'Hello!' and then hand me the phone and I would ask if they wanted to speak to Caroline.  It is precious.

*She knows just about all of her colors.  She can point to and name blue, green, yellow, red, pink, purple, white, and black.  She will walk around to stuff and say, 'Color's that?'  It's pretty awesome to see her want to learn.

*If you count, she'll give you the even numbers up to ten!  She will also go 1, 2, 6!

*She can point to all the different things on her face. She can close her eyes when you ask her to and she will stick out her tongue if you ask her where hers is.

*She now has some friends with her in bed.  It used to just be her paci (now called 'Daci') and her bobo, but she is now joined by an elephant, the pig she took her pictures with, and another little pig we got at Ikea. She does a check before she goes to bed.

*For a couple of weeks now she has been telling us when she needs a new diaper.  She'll just walk up to us and say 'biper' (diaper) and when we check she will usually have a pretty nice present in there for us.  Do I see some easy potty training in our future?  I'll keep you posted on that one.

*She has started to say 'love you' unprompted.  Most of the time she will say it when we say it to her when she is going to bed, but every once in a while she will throw it out there on her own.

*Since she has been talking she has said, 'Oh, bay-bee!'  I have no idea what she is really trying to say or where she got it, but she says it all the time and I can't help but laugh.

*I am getting a glimpse into a girly-girl.  Mimi had some plastic bracelets and Caroline loves to put them on and walk around with her arms up so that they stay on.  Mimi gave us a set to take home and she has walked around most of the afternoon with those things on.  She is also into brushing hair.  She'll brush anyone's hair that will let her and she is a fan of me letting my hair down so that she can get it nice and straightened out.  Pretty soon I'll be like my mom and pay her a quarter so that she will play with my hair!

*She is requesting songs.  She'll say 'Itsy', 'Happy', 'Star', or 'Sunshine' and then dance along as we sing them for her.  It is cute 98% of the time - it is not cute anymore after a 4 hour ride home from the coast when we have gone through all of them a few good times!

*Her laugh is still one of my favorite things of all time.  When we get her going she will belly laugh and then she gets hiccups EVERY SINGLE TIME!

*She still loves the Bubble Guppies and gets SUPER PSYCHED when they come on.

*I wrote in the last update that she was getting to the mean stage.  That has gone almost as quickly as it came.  The hitting and kicking is gone for the most part, even though she will scream when she gets told no.  She has also gotten her butt popped a few good times for it!

*Her vocabulary is pretty big.  There isn't a whole lot that she does that she can't ask for/talk about.

*She LOVES to buckle stuff.  Sometimes we can clean her up from a meal and leave her in her seat for a good 10 minutes buckling her strap.  She also has a habit of walking around to ALL strollers and trying to help them  buckle their belts.

*We have been to the beach/pool a good few times this summer and the girl loves her some water.  She is in that weird stage of wanting to be completely let go and hating to wear any type of flotation device.  She'll kick it in her little boat for a bit, but the novelty wears off quickly.  We went out into the ocean and she was pushing off of me so that I would let her go, but she LOVED being thrown over the waves.  She also sits in the waves and says, 'Wee!' every time a new bit of water laps over her.  This last time we went to the pool she would stand on the edge and start to count and semi-jump in.  She also figured out that she can play on the steps and not have to be held by anyone.

*She still loves to brush her teeth and gets pretty mad when you go into the bathroom and don't put her up on the counter.  She'll just stand there and say, 'Ahh!' until you help a girl out.

*She is starting to cut her eyes at you.  Her facial expressions are out of control already!

*She will do something and then turn around and say, 'No, ma'am!' before we can.  Then she runs the other way laughing.

*She tells Harley, 'No, sir!' even though she LOVES HIM.  When we go on walks, she loves to hold his leash and she'll see 'Harwey walk!'

*She knows everyone's name in the family.  She can say all grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.

*When we are telling her to do something and end with OK, she'll nod her head and say, 'Oh, pay!'

*At almost 17 months she is in size 12 - 18, 18 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and size 4 shoes.  The diapers and the shoes will be changing in the not too distant future - especially with all this growing she is doing!

Grands' Camp 2012

It is time for the annual Grands' Camp!!  Last year was crazy and this year was even CRAZIER!  To hear it straight from the horses mouth, Mimi herself is a guest blogger and did a GREAT recap for a GREAT week!

Grands’ Camp – 2012

The week began with Leslie and her family arriving on Saturday.  It was a big night for Anna because she got to sleep on the top bunk for the first time.  How exciting and she is “almost 5 (Mimi’s rule), so it was okay!”  Early Sunday, Leslie and Will left on a business vacation, so Mimi walked with Anna and Jack to her school and played on the playground.  FUN!!  Sarah and her family arrived Sunday afternoon.  Anna, Jack and Caroline were SO excited to see each other.  Jason and Harley headed back to Winston for football.  Leslie’s family brought a recordable card to Mimi for her birthday a couple of weeks ago.  On that card after Anna and Leslie’s message was a song recorded in 1950 by Doris Day, “I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck…”!  Well, little did we know that it would become our theme song for the week!  All the kids learned it, sang it and danced to it a hundred times – PRICELESS!!!

Day 1:   Nia and Penelope arrived early, so we got things started!  Everyone made T-shirts with their handprint fish.  SO cute!! Then two pools filled with cool water and a Slip-N-Slide made for a fun filled morning.  All the cousins played and swam and slipped and slid and drank pink lemonade (Thanks, Mrs. Mabie for the PERFECT gift!!!) and just had the BEST time.  Papa, Mimi (yes!), Sarah and Michelle just couldn’t let the kiddos have ALL the fun!  The ‘big people’ had their turns on the Slip-N-Slide, too!  It was an AWESOME way to spend a HOT summer day!!  We had a picnic with sandwiches, chips and lemonade for lunch.  A warm bath for the little ones and dry clothes for the big folks and then nap and quiet time!!!  Nice!   The evening was spent just watching the cousins play.

Day 2:  Day 1 was so much fun, we did it again!!  We did add Papa’s tractor ride to the fun.  He attached the wagon to the tractor and he and Jack (the drivers!) pulled the rest of the kiddos around the yard and up and down the street.  NOBODY wanted to stop-especially Jack the driver!!  Greg showed up for lunch and we had another picnic and added watermelon this time.  It is FANTASTIC to eat watermelon outside, with bathing suits on, sitting on the slip-n-slide!  Mimi’s nephew, Oren, arrived in time to get a little fun time in his bathing suit.  A warm bath and naps for the babies and Mimi and Papa took the three ‘big’ kids for the afternoon at the N.C Aquarium, followed by a trip to Sweet Frog for a treat!!

Day 3:  Today is beach day!!!   We packed up all six kids (yes, there WAS a time that Sarah and Mimi looked at each other and asked if they were crazy!) and headed to Oceanic Pier.  The water was PERFECT and everyone had a BLAST!!!  Michelle met us there to lend a hand and we were SO glad.  All the babies liked-or didn’t like-different things about the beach.  We are expecting to get a letter from Wrightsville Beach fining us for taking so much sand away-Jack loved eating it!  We arrived home, filled the pool and everyone dipped in for a while to rinse off.  Then dry clothes, lunch, and naptime for the babies.  The older three made yummy strawberry jam.  Then Mimi took them to the Teeter to get all the fixings for pizza.  We came home and made the dough, rolled it out and topped the pizzas with favorite toppings.  We have some excellent chefs in this family!!  Our neighbor, Mrs. Shirley arrived with some donuts right as we were finishing the pizza.  Boy, was that a real hit with everyone!  Nellie yelled, “Nonuts!”  THAT will surely stick with the Collins fam.!!  Nia and Nellie spent the night – there were kids sleeping everywhere, but we could get it done for one night!!  Next year there will be no pack-n-plays and they can all stay in the same room!!!???!!!  A quiet house was a wonderful thing!! 

Day 4:  The big kids had SO much fun at the beach in Day 3, we decided that all the big people would go back for the morning.  Papa, Sarah, Nia, Oren and Anna headed to meet Greg and Michelle for sun and fun.  Mimi stayed home with the three babies and they just played and played.  We read and sang and counted and played!!  FUN!!  After lunch, Oren left with his mom and dad-we LOVED having him!  All five kids that were left took a really good nap.  Papa headed to the airport to pick up Leslie and Will and we all met at the pool at Greg and Michelle’s apartment.  Jason surprised us and joined us there, too. We swam and played and laughed and had a great time.  G and M grilled delicious hot dogs and we even had s’mores for dessert at the fire pit!  A wonderful way to end precious days of cousins being together!!

All of this fun would not have been possible without my girls, Sarah being here from beginning to end and Michelle for coming during the days to help out. Thank you from the top and bottom of my heart!  I love you a bushel and a peck!!!

I am writing this Saturday morning.  Leslie and Will had to leave yesterday for other family functions.  Sarah, Jason and Caroline are staying until tomorrow morning.  Yesterday afternoon, as Sarah and I were sitting in the den floor watching Caroline play, the quiet was overwhelming.  Caroline was missing everyone terribly!  Good thing we are getting together with Jeffro and the girls and Greg and Michelle tonight for one last burger and a laugh!  Tomorrow afternoon will be totally quiet – I think I’ll take a nap!!!

 God is good and we are a blessed family!