Tuesday, October 5, 2010
You Can Touch My Belly, If I Can Punch Your Face

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Baby Smith’s First Book!
My mom sent me an email to let me know that the UPS man would have something for me last week. I thought a few times about what it could be, but had no idea. When I opened it, I about died!
Anna has a Hello, Rameses! book that takes you on a tour through the Carolina campus. Well some lovely young lady decided that UNCW deserved to have one too!
So now Baby Smith will get a tour through UNCW’s campus where Mommy and Daddy went! Thanks, Mimi!!
A vineyard wedding!
Tonight Jason and I got all snazzed up and headed to Shadow Springs Vineyards. This place was such an amazing back drop for a beautiful wedding for Erin + Lee! There is a lake with vineyards in the background and a precious gazebo where the ceremony was performed.
To give some background on how we know Erin and Lee - after your freshman year in the Teaching Fellows program across the state you have to go on the Discovery bus trip. I hated it! You have to wear closed toe shoes, panty hose, long skirts, and be on a bus for hours in 100 degree weather. It was awful. My nerdy husband LOVED that trip, so much so that he went four more times as a facilitator. One of the few cool things about it was that you get to meet people from different colleges around the state. Erin and Jason both ended up on Bus #3 the year they went and began a beautiful friendship and have stayed in touch over the years! Since moving to Winston last year we have hung out with Erin and her boyfriend, then fiance, and now husband!, Lee. He is such a great guy and they make such a great pair!
The wedding was so beautiful and we were so glad we could be there to witness it all.
We also got to hang out with our good friend, Sally Gupton, who was the photographer at our wedding and is my brother, Jeffro’s girlfriend’s sister. You got all that?
The lovely couple!! I love this picture because they got engaged at a Winston Salem Dash baseball game, so it is only fitting that their engagement pics were taken there, also!
Congrats, Erin and Lee!!
Fall is FINALLY here!
There are some people in this world that have Seasonal Affective Disorder, where they are fine during summer and spring, but the colder darker months make them really depressed. I feel so bad for them because I am the opposite of that. I love every season for different reasons - I love the spring because it’s all the newness and bright colors and everyone warming up from being so cold. I love the summer time because that means no school and the beach! I love the fall because it is starting to get cooler and you can go to football games all bundled up with hot chocolate! I love the winter time because I love being bundled up with Jason and the boys and having snow on the ground and Christmas time!
So now that it has finally started to cool down, I am SO excited about it being fall!!! I love wearing long sleeves and needing to. I love sitting on our back porch in the morning with the boys and needing to be bundled up a bit.
Jason was telling me about how his women at work were talking about how they were ‘falling up’ their houses. So while we were out today doing a little shopping, we came across some fall time gems and Jason created an awesome center piece for our table.
Doesn’t that just make you want to grab some hot chocolate and a blanket! I love it and the whole thing costed us $18! Not too shabby, huh! Happy Fall, y’all!!
Waynesvegas 2010!
One of my very best friends and roommates in college, Kelly, was raised in Waynesville, NC. She has an amazing group of friends that she has been friends with for years and we were lucky enough to become good friends with a lot of them, also. This past weekend one of Kelly’s best friends and our roommate for a summer, Alison, got married to a very lucky man, Nick.
Their wedding was ABSOLUTELY beautiful! They got married at the chapel at Lake Junaluska and had the reception at the Waynesville Country Club. They looked so happy and so in love and I am so glad that we were able to be a part of it!
Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold!
Luckily for all of us, we got to attend this fantastic event, which was also a reason for all of us to get together!!! Our friend Jenna’s mom and stepdad were nice enough to host us for the weekend and they were FANTASTIC hosts! Jenna’s stepdad, Butch, made chocolate chip pancake (banging!!) and amazing southern breakfasts!
So Friday afternoon I took a half day and came home to relax before Brian + Michelle came and picked me up. Jason had a game that night and stayed in Winston and then joined us on Saturday. We met up with our friend Katie and her boyfriend, Matthew, at Jenna’s house. We headed to the Waynesville Country Club for dinner and some dranking (don’t worry…I was the DD)! After the rehearsal dinner was over we were able to meet up with everyone! It was so great to see our long lost friends!
My girls – Kelly, Katie, and Michelle
Katie backing it up in the ridiculously large football helmet. Definitely the prop of the weekend for lots of ridiculous pictures!
Brian and Michelle playing hostesses with the mostesses! Might have been believable, but the beer threw some people off.
Katie and Matthew getting their dance on! Nobody puts baby in a corner!
After we all got home that night, we were delighted with the pleasure of Michelle reading us children’s books until the wee hours of the morning. HILARIOUS.
The next morning we all got to sleep in and eat an awesome breakfast. Then we decided to bop around the cute downtown of Waynesville until we needed to start getting ready for the wedding. These are some awesome sculptures downtown.
After we took this picture we saw this sign:
Then we got ready and headed out for the wedding. By this point Jason had made it up and we were all coupled up and ready to go!
The wedding was so much fun! We got to see a lot of friends we hadn’t seen in a long time, which is definitely the best part about weddings. We ate some FANTASTIC food and danced the night away! The party continued, but since I had kicked it so late the night before I was finished. So Jason + I were the old couple that left at 11:30 and headed to bed!
On Sunday we lounged around for a bit and then headed to Asheville. Kelly and her boyfriend, Dr. Drew, just moved into a precious house that we needed to check out and we were able to go out to lunch for Kelly’s birthday! Papa’s and Beer is probably my favorite mexican place of all time – don’t tell the peeps at El Maguey!!
We were able to get the waiters attention and let him know it was Kelly’s birthday. So they all came over with their maracas and singing their song. They also had some fried ice cream and the whole time a guy had a spoonful that he was trying to give to Kelly. Every time Kelly would learn forward, he’d pull it away. It was ridiculously funny. Then he finally got it all over her face!!
After seeing Kelly and Drew’s place it was time to head back to life, back to reality! I miss everyone already and we need someone else to get married soon so we can get back together – hint, hint!