This past weekend, Leslie went to Chicago to spend time with her college roommates, and Will went to Raleigh to stay with his BFF Block. That just happened to leave Ja + me the opportunity to keep Banana Pants for the whole weekend by ourselves!! We also got Miller thrown in as an added bonus! We had SUCH a good time!!
Friday afternoon I had softball practice, but left a little early to get to the house in time for Will to drop Anna, Miller, and there stuff off at the house. Once everything was discussed and everyone was on the same page, Will gave Anna and hug and a kiss and off he went. She is such a big girl and did not pitch a fit at all when Will left.
Friday night consisted of dinner, bath time in the Big Bathtub, and bed time. Anna did wake up a few times, but sleeping in a new place, that was to be expected. She has been over to our place plenty of times, but this is the first time she has ever slept over.
Saturday morning, the real fun began. I was looking forward to sleeping in a bit, but the dag on dogs didn’t let that happen. I was sure that Anna would be up earlier than us all, but she slept the latest!
For breakfast we had some cinnamon toast, strawberries, milk, and Dora yogurt. When Ja went to grab a strawberry, Anna told him no and continued to guard the plate for the rest of her breakfast.
After some breakfast, Ja broke out the Wii and started playing basketball. Anna wanted to join in.
After a while Ja put Anna on the ottoman and she just reached right over and grabbed his hand while they played. Precious!
While I was cleaning the kitchen, Anna came in with her shoulders hunched over. I asked her what was wrong and she said, ‘I’m not so happy right now.’ Through an immense need to laugh at the sheer hilarity of a two year old saying this, I said, ‘Well what’s wrong?’ She looked at me with that lip poked out and said, ‘Jason isn’t sharing.’ I about lost it. She is an absolute mess. So I asked Jason if he was sharing and we quickly resolved the situation!
After watching the Wonder Pets save a unicorn and a penguin, we all got dressed. Then my friend Carrie brought her two girls, Hunter and Nola, over to play with Anna. They were all a little shy at first, but they quickly warmed up to each other. In this picture they lined up all the pillows and they are playing Carpet’s Water.
Then Uncle Jason got out the giant bubble wand he bought for $1 and everyone played bubbles for a bit until we all moved the party outside because it was a BEAUTIFUL day!

The girls had such a good time. Pretty soon it was time for the Simpkins girls to get going. Anna gave the sweetest hugs and Nola had a fit. She didn’t want to go!
After the girls left, we loaded up and headed to Sciworks. I had never been before, so I didn’t really know what we were getting ourselves into. It was so awesome! I could have spent hours in there!
Ja + Anna putting together the skeleton puzzle.

WHOO’s that!

The mini horse that kept falling asleep standing up.

Anna and Aunt Sarah
Anna + Uncle Jason
We saw lots of cool animals – a raccoon, snakes, a macaw, spiders, a chinchilla, and all sorts of cool stuff. After a fun filled afternoon at Sciworks we hit up the Diario for some chicken nuggets and ice cream. It is so fun being the aunt and uncle!!
Anna had been asking for pizza all weekend, so for dinner Saturday night we went to Cici’s for a little pizza and salad (for $3.99 a pop…holy moly!!). She did a great job eating a little pizza and a ton of cucumber slices! The child LOVES some fruits and veggies!
Saturday night she spent a good amount of time playing with my Kirsten doll. I got Kirsten when I was little and used to play with her for hours. Well that’s all the Anna needs at our house. She knows exactly where it is and asks for it every time.
No matter where Anna was, the boys were right there.

After a good bit of playing, it was bath time. She loves getting in our big bath tub. Since we wouldn’t let the boys in the bathroom, this is what awaited us!

All the girl needs is some water in the tub and a few Solo cups. In a few years I’ll show you what else you can do with those Solo cups! ; )

After we got her out of the tub we got her to make all these funny faces. While Ja was combing her hair, he slicked it straight back. He said that she looked like Macaulay Culkin, so we made her do the Home Alone face. Eat your heart out, Macaulay!
Anna slept great the second night and didn’t wake up at all. Sunday we got up and went to a park on Polo Rd. It has recently been redone and it is a great park and we had a blast!
Tell me that is not one of the cutest kids you have ever seen. I know I’m biased, but come on!
Spinning and spinning and spinning in the tulip!
Maxing and relaxin!
After some lunch at Qdoba, it was time to take Anna and Miller back to Leslie and Will’s and put her down for a nap. She took a good nap and got up and Leslie and Will came home a little bit later. I know they were so glad to be home, but Ja + I were a bit sad to go home!! We had such a great weekend! Thanks for letting us have her Les + Will. Thanks for being so awesome, Banana Pants!!