Well, we are officially three weeks from the first work day (AKA the end of summer!). A lot of goodness has happened in the past month.
We are officially residents of Winston Salem! There was a lot of stress (LOT OF STRESS) surrounding the closing and the couple of days prior to it, but it was all taken care of and we are officially home owners. Erin, Will's sister, was our real estate agent and man is she good at her job. If anyone reading this is not family and wants to look at places in Winston, let me know and I'll give you her name. She is great at what she does.
We closed on our house on July 9th and began the move in process that night. Jason's parents came up to help us and so did my dad. Deddy even left Grands' Camp with Mom and Banana Pants to come and help us. Man if that isn't love, I don't know what is! Somehow the rest of the family managed to be busy or working or something and got out of this one. Since this was my 13th move, I'm pretty sure everyone earned their days off! We unloaded the truck with Jacksonville stuff on Thursday night and made beds and set up the shower so that everyone could have somewhere to sleep and bathe, two pretty important essentials. The next day while I was in class (for Integrated Math training for next year) everyone went and unloaded my storage unit that I've had for the past year and a half. All of that stuff made it into the garage with the rest of our stuff. After Deddy knew everything was in the house, he hopped in the car and heading back to Wilmington for the remainder of Grands' Camp. Jason's parents stayed until Sunday to help us unpack and get settled. They went to the NC Zoo on Saturday to give us room to get stuff where we wanted it.
The next week consisted of me having class from 8-3 and then coming home and unpacking. Every dish was washed and situated. Every fork and spoon was washed and situated. Every piece of clothing was hung up and arranged and situated. Our bedroom suite was a big issue that week. We had had our eye on a suite at Sam's. I know, Sam's for nice furniture? Well, they have it. They now carry Broyhill and all types of name brands. This was nice, nice furniture for not too much. Well we watched it and soon it fell $200 from the original price. We decided we were going to go ahead and get it and what do you know - someone had driven a forklift through the entire boxed suite and tried to hide it. So, the only one left was the display model. Sure it had some minor bumps and bruises, but we were promised we could have it at 10-20% off. We were totally ok with that. When Ja went it to pick it up on Monday, they told him that was no longer possible. Well after he got off the phone with the district manager, we had the suite at the full 20% off. I love that man. The manager of the store never once stopped and talked to Jason. He was in a 'meeting' all day and by meeting he means walking around the store and trying not to look obvious. What a puss. So we got our furniture home and we had a matress ordered and it was delivered Thursday afternoon. Finally, we were able to set up our bed and feel like we were home since we had been sleeping in the guest beds all week. That night two of my best friends and college roommates, Katie and Kelly, and Kelly's boo Drew came into town for Michelle and Brian's wedding!! We knew we wanted the house to be completely situated by then. Call me crazy, but we (by we I mean mostly I and an amazing husband that just went along with it!) were both anal retentive and OCD enough that we were able to get it done! An entire house settled and situated and arranged and cleaned in one week. I have an amazing husband who knew how neurotic I was about it and he did everything in his power to make that happen! Success!
We had a great night of drinking some beer and writing the poem that we read as a toast at their wedding. We spend most of the time reminiscing and laughing, but at 3am, the poem was finished and rehearsed!
The wedding weekend was absolutely amazing. We had an awesome rehearsal dinner Friday night at The Proximity in Greensboro. The food was amazing, the toasts were awesome, and the dancing was out of control. Anytime you have a clog-off between Kelly Nassis and a 60 year old man through both Cotton-Eyed Joe and Rocky Top, you've thrown a successful party! We rocked out until we got kicked out that night at midnight and Kelly and Drew and Jason and I headed back to Michelle and Brian's house with Michelle, her sister, Ashley, and a couple of the other bridesmaids to stay for the night. That morning we got up and the boys headed back to our house in Winston and Kelly and I headed to the church with the rest of the bridesmaids to get our hair did. We had pictures taken around 3 and then it was time to hang out. Right before the ceremony we were back in the choir room belting Lisa Loeb and I'm pretty sure a) we sounded really good and b) everyone could hear us in the sanctuary. Then it was wedding time.
The ceremony was beautiful. For two people that have been meant for each other for as long of a time as they have, it was so awesome that it was finally their turn. The flowers were beautiful, the love was flowing. Then it was reception time. Let's just say a great buffet, an open bar, a band that could play any and everything you ever dreamed of, lots of dancing, and the best cupcakes you have ever had all mixed together to create one freaking fantastic night. It was great just to be able to spend time with everyone. Jason and I had a great time dancing the night away. Ech was there and was unusually talkative and hilarious. Patrick was there, which is always a good time and we all relish the time we get to spend with him since we don't get to see him too much! Lyndsay was there, which was really fun and hilarious. Glad she made it back to the hotel safely! Eventually they had to kick us out of there and then we all headed to the bar at the hotel. 'Ain't no party like a Marriot party, cause a Marriot party don't stop!' Sunday morning we all got up and went to a brunch provided by Brian's family which was a great way to recap the night and say our goodbyes. Then it was back to Winston so I could pack up and head to Wilmington.
Congratulations Brian + Michelle!

Last week I was in Wilmington Monday through Thursday keeping Kamryn. We went to the pool and bopped around Wilmington and hung out with Riley and Harley. She is getting so big and she is so smart. This will be the last summer with her since we are now in Winston, but I'm enjoying it while I can!
Thursday night I loaded up our boys and heading to Winston. When I got there I pulled into the garage and open the doors and let the boys run wild. They ran to ever single inch of that new house and sniffed and sniffed. You could tell the recognized some of it and smelled all over that!
That night was awesome because it was the first night that my whole little family was together in our new home. Everything was clean and settled and unpacked and our boys were home. It was a great, great feeling.
Friday morning Ja had a football meeting and a meeting with his new principal, so I got up and ran a few errands and then headed over to Leslie's to hang out with her and Banana Pants. With this new little one kicking her ass with the nausea, thought I'd go hang out and entertain Anna for a while. If she is not the most ridiculous little thing. I am more amazed every day by what she can do. Then I went back to the house and cleaned my car and then I made dinner and Ja and I enjoyed a night at home with our boys. A few cocktails to drink and a little Wii competition. What a great night.
Saturday we got up and did some yard work and cleaned the house. We were getting ready for our first official cookout. Mom and Deddy were in the mountains and they drove down to see the new place since they had only seen it empty. Leslie and Will brought Anna over and the whole family had dinner at our place. Ja did a great job with the bugers and dogs. We had all the trimmings and then some great Collins' women desserts! A little peach cobbler and strawberry cake. It was delicious. They hung out for a while and then it was time for Anna to go to bed and Mom and Deddy to head back up the mountain. Sunday Ja and I explored our new town together and then went and saw The Ugly Truth for a matinee. It was a GREAT movie and I highly recommend it! Freaking hilarious and oh so true. We laughed out loud a lot but most of it was recognition because what they were talking about we are guilty of. Men and women and their differences will always be funny. Then it was time to get back and pack up and for me to head to Wilmington again.
I've got a couple more days with Kamryn this week and then it's back to Winston. Then Greg and Michelle are coming up and Saturday we are heading to Charlotte to see a Rascal Flatts concert!! I can't wait. Then I'll have an entire week in Winston with Ja because the Queens are going to the mountains for a family vacation. Then one more week of nannying and then it's work days galore. Man, this summer has flown.
All in all it's been a great summer, so far. We bought a house, we got settled, we enjoyed a great wedding with great friends, and now we get to relax until school comes around again. I've got to admit, for the first time in a while I'm excited about school starting back. Being back at Reagan gives me a lot to look forward to and I am hoping and praying that Ja finds happiness and his place at North! I'll keep you posted!!
Thursday night I loaded up our boys and heading to Winston. When I got there I pulled into the garage and open the doors and let the boys run wild. They ran to ever single inch of that new house and sniffed and sniffed. You could tell the recognized some of it and smelled all over that!
That night was awesome because it was the first night that my whole little family was together in our new home. Everything was clean and settled and unpacked and our boys were home. It was a great, great feeling.
Friday morning Ja had a football meeting and a meeting with his new principal, so I got up and ran a few errands and then headed over to Leslie's to hang out with her and Banana Pants. With this new little one kicking her ass with the nausea, thought I'd go hang out and entertain Anna for a while. If she is not the most ridiculous little thing. I am more amazed every day by what she can do. Then I went back to the house and cleaned my car and then I made dinner and Ja and I enjoyed a night at home with our boys. A few cocktails to drink and a little Wii competition. What a great night.
Saturday we got up and did some yard work and cleaned the house. We were getting ready for our first official cookout. Mom and Deddy were in the mountains and they drove down to see the new place since they had only seen it empty. Leslie and Will brought Anna over and the whole family had dinner at our place. Ja did a great job with the bugers and dogs. We had all the trimmings and then some great Collins' women desserts! A little peach cobbler and strawberry cake. It was delicious. They hung out for a while and then it was time for Anna to go to bed and Mom and Deddy to head back up the mountain. Sunday Ja and I explored our new town together and then went and saw The Ugly Truth for a matinee. It was a GREAT movie and I highly recommend it! Freaking hilarious and oh so true. We laughed out loud a lot but most of it was recognition because what they were talking about we are guilty of. Men and women and their differences will always be funny. Then it was time to get back and pack up and for me to head to Wilmington again.
I've got a couple more days with Kamryn this week and then it's back to Winston. Then Greg and Michelle are coming up and Saturday we are heading to Charlotte to see a Rascal Flatts concert!! I can't wait. Then I'll have an entire week in Winston with Ja because the Queens are going to the mountains for a family vacation. Then one more week of nannying and then it's work days galore. Man, this summer has flown.
All in all it's been a great summer, so far. We bought a house, we got settled, we enjoyed a great wedding with great friends, and now we get to relax until school comes around again. I've got to admit, for the first time in a while I'm excited about school starting back. Being back at Reagan gives me a lot to look forward to and I am hoping and praying that Ja finds happiness and his place at North! I'll keep you posted!!